





★Please Shine --  We Shot The Moon

发布者: shunitang | 发布时间: 2012-6-21 12:02| 查看数: 1002| 评论数: 2|

We Shot The Moon是一支来自加州San Diego的流行摇滚乐队.乐队由现已解散的乐队Waking Ashland的前主唱Jonathan Jones酝酿组建而成.当其在2007年7月宣布退出乐坛时,Jonathan仍然坚持创作歌曲以期望继续他的音乐生涯,从而We Shot The Moon也由此而生.

Fly away on a plane

Just like you came to me

Take a bow, you take a bow

Your spirits left with me

Watch the clouds making shapes

And picture me with you

I’m so alive, I’m so alive

You color up my world

Halleluiah was all that I could sing


You shine, I shine.

My dear, my life

Is washed up like a seashell longing to be dry

So please shine, please shine.

Reverie, your reverie is full of all of me

Walk around my town all day

We pretend to run away

Halleluiah was all that I could sing


You shine, I shine.

My dear, my life

Is washed up like a seashell longing to be dry

So please shine, please shine so bright.

You’re over there and I was nowhere near.

You shine, I shine.

My dear, my life

Is washed up like a seashell longing to be dry

So please shine, please shine.

If you shine, I shine.

My dear, my life

Is washed up like a seashell longing to be dry

So please shine, please shine.

[Please Shine Lyrics on


shunitang 发表于 2012-6-21 12:03:55
love this kind of voice..

sounds nice...
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