






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2012-6-22 00:45| 查看数: 993| 评论数: 0|


Haier, the world's leading appliance maker by sales volume and one of China's most famous brands, plans to expand in Europe by acquiring or building production facilities that will bring it closer to EU consumers.


For a Chinese mainland brand that wants to make it in Europe, it helps to have a name that sounds European – which means Haier could well realise that ambition.


The company has built a successful presence in the US, where 30 per cent of households own a Haier product. Overall, 26 per cent of its $23bn global turnover comes from overseas.


Now Haier wants to boost sales in Europe, where it has more than doubled market share in the past five years but still has only 1 per cent of the major appliance market, a whisker behind Japan's Panasonicand Sharp, which account for just over 1 per cent each. Haier's plan is to target the middle to upper end of the appliance market, rather than the low end traditionally associated with Chinese companies that compete mainly on price.


Haier, which has 25 per cent of its home market, is candid about the fact that part of its success overseas has been because most global consumers do not know it is Chinese.


"We never emphasise that point," says Li Pan, managing director of Haier's overseas division. "We don't deny it, but we don't emphasise it".

"我们从不强调这点," 海尔海外市场总监李攀表示,"我们不否认这点,但也不去强调它。"

Based in the seaside town of Qingdao, Haier says it is a coincidence that the name, created from the Chinese character for "sea", sounds German. But that is the kind of happy coincidence that can make or break a brand. Companies that sound Chinese start out with a big handicap overseas: whether they make microwaves or microchips, they are tarred with the same brush as those that made China infamous for poisoning babies with tainted milk powder.


But it has taken much more than a few German-sounding vowels to propel the company – a bankrupt shell in 1984 – to a top global brand for major appliances in less than 25 years.


Mr Li says Haier has set itself apart from other Chinese manufacturers by focusing on building the brand, not just selling products; competing on value for money rather than just low prices; and investing in 10 research and development centres around the world.


The company has also tried to counter the impression that Chinese appliances are substandard. Last year Which?, the UK consumer rights organisation, rated one of Haier's fridges a "best buy".


René Aubertin, chief executive of Haier in Europe and vice-president of the company, says it will be making a play for high-end European consumers. Haier is also aiming for younger "trendsetters" and has won design awards with which to woo them.

海尔副总裁、欧洲区首席执行官勒内•奥贝坦(René Aubertin)表示,海尔会尝试吸引欧洲高端消费者。海尔也瞄准了比较年轻的"潮流引领者",并赢得了一些设计奖项,来博取这些人的青睐。

Booz and Co, the management consultancy, singled it out as a leader in Chinese innovation. From air-conditioners that take pictures of intruders to a fridge with a pizza drawer for the US market, Haier looks for ways to stand out.

管理咨询公司博斯(Booz and Co)指出,海尔是中国领先的创新者。从能够对入室行窃者拍照的空调,到面向美国市场、有一层抽屉专门放比萨饼的冰箱,海尔都想方设法标新立异。

But it urgently needs more production facilities in Europe to reduce lead times, counter currency effects and avoid rising transport costs.


Haier is not the only Chinese company looking for opportunities in Europe. Chinese direct investment in Europe tripled in 2011 to $10bn, according to a study published recently by Rhodium Group, an economic consultancy, in partnership with CICC, a Chinese investment bank. The report predicted Chinese companies could spend between $250bn and $500bn in the region by 2020.

海尔并非唯一在欧洲寻找商机的中国企业。经济咨询公司荣鼎咨询(Rhodium Group)与中国投行中金公司(CICC)最近联合发表的一份研究报告表明,中国对欧洲的直接投资在2011年增长了两倍,达到100亿美元。该报告预测,到2020年,中国企业对欧洲的直接投资可能达到2500亿至5000亿美元。

Zhang Ruimin, Haier's founder and chief executive, has won business school fame around the world for an incident when, as director of the collective Qingdao refrigerator factory in 1984, he smashed faulty models on the factory floor with a sledgehammer to dramatise his intolerance of defects.


Steven Veldhoen of Booz says Haier's success has been its "closeness to the market and responsiveness to consumers" – but adds that, as the company expands globally, holding on to some of those elements "will not be so easy".

博斯的范贺文(Steven Veldhoen)表示,一直以来海尔的成功之处在于它"贴近市场、紧跟消费者需求"。但范贺文补充表示,随着海尔在全球进行扩张,坚持这一点"将非易事"。

So far, Haier has adapted rapidly when difficulties arise. Problems at its first UK air-conditioning joint venture forced a closure in 2006. Haier responded by restructuring its European business to bring in local management and build local R and D centres.


Haier could yet become a household name in Europe – before most customers figure out it is Chinese.



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