





A snail buys a fast new car

发布者: ATOM2007 | 发布时间: 2012-7-26 13:08| 查看数: 832| 评论数: 0|

Therewas once a snail who was sick and tired of his reputation for being so slow. Hedecided to get some fast wheels to make up the difference. After shoppingaround a while, he decided that the Datson 240-Z was the car to get. So thesnail goes to the nearest Datsun dealer and says he wants to buy the 240-Z, buthe wants it repainted "240-S".

The dealer asks, "Why 'S'?"

The snail replies, "'S' stands for snail. I want everybody who sees meroaring past to know who's driving."

Well, the dealer doesn't want to lose the unique opportunity to sell a car to asnail, so he agrees to have the car repainted for a small fee.

The snail gets his new car and spent the rest of his days roaring happily downthe highway at top speed. And whenever anyone would see him zooming by, they'dsay "Wow! Look at that S-car go!"


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