






发布者: Rebecca620 | 发布时间: 2012-7-31 17:45| 查看数: 816| 评论数: 0|

Everything Matthieu Péché and Gauthier Klauss have learnt about project management and teamwork will be put to the test at the Lee Valley White Water Centre in August. The masters in innovation and entrepreneurship students will try to win gold for France in the two-man canoe slalom event at the London Olympics.

马蒂欧•佩谢(Matthieu Péché)和高蒂尔•克劳斯(Gauthier Klauss)从项目管理和团队合作中学到的一切,都将在8月在李谷白水中心(Lee Valley White Water Centre)得到检验。这两位创新和创业专业的硕士生,将试图在伦敦奥运会(London Olympics)男子双人皮划艇激流回旋赛中为法国夺金。

The teamwork has not only been between the two men in the boat, however. Professors at a small but ambitious French management school, ESC Pau, have worked hard to help the canoeists prepare, shifting class times, moving deadlines and providing special coaching to help them fit their studies around a gruelling routine of sports training.

然而,团队合作并不仅仅表现在船上的这两名运动员之间。规模小、但雄心勃勃的法国管理学院——波城高等商学院(ESC Pau)的教授们,努力帮助这两位皮划艇选手做赛前准备,更改上课时间,改变截止时间并提供特殊辅导,以帮助让他们的学业安排适应高强度的赛前训练日程。

In the run-up to the Olympics Mr Péché and Mr Klauss, who came second in the Canoe Slalom World Cup in 2011, have taken a gap year. Besides spending hours on the water and in the gym every day, the athletes have toiled for weeks in east London getting to know the artificial white-water course.

在奥运会前夕,佩谢和克劳斯度过了一年的“空档”期。二人曾在2011年皮划艇激流赛世界杯(Canoe Slalom World Cup)中获得亚军。除了每天在水上和体育馆里花费数小时训练之外,两位运动员还在伦敦东部花费数周时间了解人造皮划艇激流水道。

“We aren’t going to the Olympics just to take part,” says Mr Péché. “We are going for gold.”


The two 24-year-olds believe that they have a good chance. They grew up in Epinal-Golbey, a renowned canoeing centre in France’s Vosges mountains, and have been canoeing since the age of seven. They have been competing together since they were 15-year-olds and even signed up for the same masters degree to maximise their sporting preparation.


“Our sporting career has taken precedence this past year,” says Mr Péché. “But our parents always insisted that studies had priority over sport and they were right. Canoeing is an amateur sport. Even if we win at the Olympics, we will still have to earn a living.”


Thanks to a very flexible approach taken by ESC Pau, they will be well placed to do so. The athletes chose the school partly because of its proximity to a white-water centre with world-class training facilities, and explained their sporting ambitions to the school at the outset.


Mr Péché says there has been a valuable interplay of lessons from the school and the sports training. “We are two men in the boat,” says Mr Péché. “That teaches you about teamwork and teamwork is central to what happens in companies. An Olympic campaign is about fixing objectives and ensuring you reach them. That applies in business too.”


These synergies are increasingly recognised. International athletes and businesses alike are obsessed with improving performance. And business schools are playing a growing role in cross-fertilising ideas from the two domains. John Neal, who heads the Sport Business Initiative at Ashridge Business School, says “sport has a great deal to learn from business”.

这些协同效应正越来越得到人们的认可。国际运动员和国际企业都专注于改善表现。在让两个领域的创意交叉强化方面,商学院发挥着越来越重要的作用。英国阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge Business School)体育商业计划主管约翰•尼尔(John Neal)表示,“体育有很多地方需要向企业学习。”

Ashridge works in partnership with UK Sport, the funding body for Olympic sports, and runs the elite coach mentor programme that supports the agency’s coaches for many UK Olympic teams, as well as working with some individual athletes.

阿什里奇商学院与为奥运会比赛项目提供资金的英国体育局(UK Sport)合作,运营一个精英教练指导计划,为英国很多奥运参赛队的教练提供指导,并与一些运动员个人合作。

Mr Neal, one of Britain’s foremost sports psychology specialists, has developed the school’s relationship with sport over more than a decade. The application of business principles by UK Sport’s former performance director, Peter Keen, played a big role in Britain’s Olympic resurgence, Mr Neal believes.

尼尔是英国最优秀的运动心理学专家之一,10多年来,他一直在发展该学院与体育界的关系。尼尔认为,就英国奥运奖牌数复兴而言,英国体育局前表现主任彼得•克恩(Peter Keen)对商业原则的应用发挥了重要作用。

The distinctive feature of the Olympics, says Mr Neal, is the additional pressure to win imposed on athletes driven by passion. Ashridge has developed an eight-point framework spanning vision, strategy, cultural philosophy, performance management and so on, which is designed to help them achieve victory.


Business, Mr Neal says, can “learn about the human side” from sport. With colleagues, he sought to transfer lessons about athletes’ energy and passion to sales teams at some big companies. The result: big increases in sales or sales activity.


Other business schools are also exploring the crossover of leadership ideas. Duke University in North Carolina has a renowned basketball team whose coach, Mike Krzyzewski. also coaches the US Olympic basketball team. Mr Krzyzewski, widely known as Coach K, works with the Fuqua School of Business at Duke as executive in residence in its Coach K Center for Leadership and Ethics, which is headed by Sim Sitkin.

其他商学院也在探索领导理念的交叉。北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学(Duke University)有一个知名的篮球队,教练是迈克•沙舍夫斯基(Mike Krzyzewski),他还执教美国国家奥运篮球队。他被外界普遍称为K教头,他与杜克大学富卡商学院(Fuqua School of Business)合作,担任K教练领导能力及道德中心(Coach K Center for Leadership and Ethics)住校执行官,该中心由西姆•西特金(Sim Sitkin)领导。

One of their conclusions is that many leadership lessons from sport, business or other fields are indeed transferable: managing big egos is a challenge whether you are trying to win a basketball game, trade shares or lead a technology company.


But Prof Sitkin also notes the significance of the globalisation of sport in recent years, its massive revenues from diverse sources and its important non-commercial, social role.


“Sport has become a very big industry,” he says. “Business schools are only starting to recognise how large, important and complex the sports industry is.”


Some schools have responded by launching sports management courses. But gaming, media rights, technology and many more topics also merit closer study, Prof Sitkin says. “I believe we will be moving further into this area because we think that we are well placed to be helpful.”


Others are on the same track. Moïse Louisy-Louis, an athlete and former financial analyst, heads two specialised sports management masters programmes at the International University of Monaco, a business school. This year he took participants on a study tour to London to explore ethics, as well as the business aspects of running Olympic events and venues.

其他人也持同样的观点。曾当过金融分析师的运动员莫伊兹•路易西•路易(Moïse Louisy-Louis),执掌着商学院摩纳哥国际大学(International University of Monaco)的两个专业化运动管理硕士课程。今年他带领课程参与者前往伦敦,进行一场实地考察,以探索举办奥运赛事和管理场馆的伦理和商业课题。

Peter Grant, lecturer in voluntary sector management at Cass Business School at City University London, who has worked in sports funding, says the need for more professional management in many sports is self-evident. Like Mr Louisy-Louis, he believes that business schools should study the sports industry more closely and also offer more specialised courses.

伦敦城市大学(City University London)卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)志愿者部门管理课程的讲师皮特•格兰特(Peter Grant)从事体育经费研究,他认为,很多体育项目显然需要更多的专业管理。与路易西-路易一样,他认为,商学院应该更加深入地研究体育行业,并提供更多的专业课程。

But what fascinates two academics at the innovation and entrepreneurship group at Imperial College Business School in London is the challenge of the Olympic Games as a project.

但真正吸引伦敦帝国理工商学院(Imperial College Business School)创新和创业团队两位学者的,还是奥运会作为一个项目的挑战。

Ian Mackenzie and Andrew Davies, experts in project management innovation, have published a widely admired paper on lessons learnt from the 2012 games construction project.

项目管理创新专家伊恩•麦肯兹(Ian Mackenzie)和安德鲁•戴维斯(Andrew Davies)发表了一篇关于2012年奥运建设项目经验的广受好评的论文。

The Olympics study has become part of a long-term research project that is helping turn Imperial College Business School into a global centre of expertise in the management of megaprojects.


The Imperial team is working with executives running Crossrail, a £14.5bn rail link between the east and west of London scheduled for completion in 2017, both to ensure lessons learnt from the Olympics are applied and to capture management innovation developed during construction.


But the games do not only provide material to teach. In their wake they leave many people seeking a new job or a new career. Olympic construction workers went to Crossrail. Mr Péché and Mr Klauss will go back to school in Pau. Older athletes have found business education a good route to building a new life.


Jonno Devlin is a good example. He has a degree in computer systems and spent eight years as a full-time athlete, rowing for Great Britain at the Athens Olympics and for Ireland in Beijing.

约诺•德夫林(Jonno Devlin)就是一个很好的例子。他拥有计算机系统专业的学位,当了八年的全职运动员,在雅典奥运会上代表英国参加划船比赛,在北京奥运会上代表爱尔兰参加划船比赛。

But after Beijing in 2008, at the age of 33, he had to start life anew. For many athletes, he says, the transition is traumatic. The sudden loss of a clear ambition, structure, social life and “being very good at something” is abrupt. After a spell as a financial adviser, Mr Devlin undertook a full-time MBA at Cass. He is now a strategy project manager at Aggregate Industries, a leading supplier of building materials.

但在2008年北京奥运之后,33岁的他必须开始新的生活。他说,对于很多运动员来说,这个过渡会带来创伤。失去一个清晰的目标、结构、社会生活、以及不再“非常擅长一件事”,一切都太突然。在当过一段时间的金融顾问后,德夫林参加卡斯商学院的全日制MBA课程。现在他是建材供应商Aggregate Industries的一名战略项目经理。

“Cass was very supportive and helped me find the funds without which it would have been impossible,” Mr Devlin says. Studying for an MBA “gives you a fresh look at the business world, the skills that are needed and some time to gather your thoughts”.


There are many ways in which business schools and sport are becoming more symbiotic. Helping athletes who will retire after the London Olympics to build new lives and ambitions may be some of the most important.



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