





赞比亚中资铜矿保安枪击窃贼 两人死亡

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2012-9-8 13:00| 查看数: 1066| 评论数: 0|

Recent shooting deaths of two Zambians suspected of stealing copper at Chambishi Copper Smelter, or CCS, underscore lingering workplace dangers at Chinese mining ventures.

最近,两名涉嫌从谦比希炼铜厂(Chambishi Copper Smelter)盗窃铜的赞比亚人中弹身亡,此事凸显出中国矿业公司工作场所难以消除的危险。

In recent months, security guards at CCS, owned by China Nonferrous, have shot locals suspected of stealing copper. One of them was Kennedy Chiputa, a 33-year-old construction worker seconded from 15 Metallurgical Construction Group. In a response to written questions, 15 MCC, based in China's Hubei province, said Mr. Chiputa had stolen copper during off-hours and says security guards fired on him when he fled 'in order to protect CCS property.' It also confirmed a separate shooting late last year. The company said it wasn't aware of details and that an unnamed private security firm was dealing with local police.

近几个月,谦比希炼铜厂的保安曾数次向涉嫌盗窃铜的赞比亚人开枪。谦比希炼铜厂由中国有色矿业集团有限公司(China Nonferrous)所有。其中一人是33岁的建筑工人奇布塔(Kennedy Chiputa),他是从中国十五冶金建设集团有限公司(15 Metallurgical Construction Group)临时借调的。总部位于湖北省的中国十五冶在回复记者的书面提问时说,奇布塔不当班的时候盗窃铜,并且说保安为保护中国有色集团的财产在他逃跑时向其开了枪。回复信中还证实了去年底的另外一起枪击盗窃嫌犯的事件。该公司说,不清楚详细情况是怎样的,一家私营保安公司正在与当地警方就此事进行沟通,但没有透露保安公司的名字。

Executives at China Nonferrous units in Chambishi declined interview requests and a spokesman at the company's Beijing headquarters declined to respond to written questions.


Mr. Chiputa was shot in the back of the neck in March and died in May─ after his family accumulated hundreds of dollars in hospital bills trying to remove a bullet from his spine, according to his widow, Sharon Katoka. She says her husband was working his regular job, but was mistaken for a thief.

今年3月,奇布塔被击中颈后,5月去世。据他的遗孀卡托卡(Sharon Katoka)说,此前,为把他脊柱中的一颗子弹取出,他的家人已经花了数百美元的医疗费。她说,她丈夫当时正在正常上班,但被误认为是小偷。

'He said illegal miners had crossed into his area. He heard a gunshot and fell down,' recounts the 25-year old widow. She sits on a couch in her darkened shack, sunlight coming through an open door. 'He prayed to God to take his spirit,' she says.


15 MCC says it has no obligation to reimburse the family of its late employee because of the nature of the incident, but that the company's union provided transportation and other expenses to cover Mr. Chiputa's burial.


When contacted by The Wall Street Journal, a Chambishi police inspector said he hadn't been able to file a report on the incident because his computer had been broken. He and provincial police officials declined to answer written questions about the shooting of Mr. Chiputa, or the separate case late last year.


After queries from The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Chiputa's widow says Chambishi police later called her to share the contents of the report, but told her what she already knew: 'that my husband died of a gunshot.' She's now seeking assistance from a local legal-aid clinic to be reimbursed for the hospital bills and some funeral expenses.



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