






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2012-9-8 15:00| 查看数: 796| 评论数: 0|

China's private businessmen are always bemoaning the fact that in the eyes of the state- run banking sector, they are chopped liver.


These days, with the economy showing more than a few signs of stress, maybe they're more like gutter oil, the much reviled second-hand cooking oil recovered from gutters and waste bins: Something that should be avoided at all costs if you care about your health.


Some 600 private enterprises, feeling the financial pinch amid a global economic slowdown, have petitioned the government in east China's Zhejiang province for help - saying that their bankers have been calling in loans and refusing to extend fresh credit, according to local media. They are pushing for three years of no cutbacks in lending.


They are not the only ones who see official neglect - if not outright disdain - from the banking system for smaller firms.


'Smaller companies are just not getting loans,' said Liu Kegu, a researcher who as a former vice president of the state-run China Development Bank should know. These commercial minnows are often seen as a greater risk than state firms or too small to merit a bank's attention.

研究人员刘克崮说,中小企业就是拿不到贷款。作为前国家开发银行(China Development Bank)副行长,他应该是深有体会。银行常常觉得这些中小企业的风险高于国有企业,或觉得它们的规模太小,不值得银行去关注。

A recent research report by Standard Chartered Bank highlights the problems of the smaller private businesses. The report, authored by bank economist Stephen Green, quoted an unidentified Chinese banker describing the laborious process involved in making a loan to SMEs - or small- and medium-sized enterprises which are often privately owned. It also highlights how little trust there is for these companies.

渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)前不久的一篇研究报告强调了小型民营企业面临的这些问题。这份由渣打银行经济学家王志浩(Stephen Green)撰写的报告引述一位没有透露身份的中国银行家的话,描给了给中小企业(通常也是民营企业)发放贷款需要经历的繁琐流程。报告还强调银行对这些企业缺乏信心。

'Ok, so you know the SME has given you fake financials - that is usual for an SME. On our side, we need the financials to meet a number of internal hurdles too, so we go along with the financials if we think the firm is fundamentally sound. Once we have met the requirements there, we can do our own 'real' assessment. We look at the SME's utility bills and tax payments, and talk to its clients until we think we have a pretty good understanding of the borrower.'


The banker then goes on to say:


'If we are OK, we will pass the local application to our credit people. The credit people then of course discount the sales and profit numbers by up to 60%, since they believe that most SMEs inflate their financials by such an amount.'


At the end of the banker's sad tale, the SME doesn't get the loan. Chopped liver or gutter oil - it's a toss up.


Chinese officials have been talking up the need to get credits to these smaller companies but this is hard to do even when times aren't so tough. The state-run banks tend to look first to the state sector while other potential borrowers go to the back of the queue.


From the bank's point of view there are plenty of loans to small, private companies that are already at risk as China's economic growth slows. So far the national figures for the banking system have not shown any alarming trends in the bad debt department. Non-performing loans were a measly - and one might say suspicious-looking - 0.9% at the end of the second quarter, unchanged from the end of the first quarter, according to the China Banking Regulatory Commission. But regional and local figures are moving higher, particularly in places like Zhejiang, a hub of export-oriented private enterprise that is highly sensitive to fluctuations in the global economy.


The state-run China Construction Bank, reporting its first-half results, said its bad loans actually dropped to 1% as of June from 1.09% at the end of last year. More tellingly the bank, China's second-largest by assets, showed a 33% increase in loans that had interest payments that were more than three months late. That points to problems ahead.

中国第二大银行(按资产规模计)中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)在报告上半年业绩时说,6月份不良贷款率实际上已从去年年底的1.09%下降到1%。更能说明问题的是,建行付息逾期三个月以上的贷款增加了33%,预示着将来会有问题出现。

Chen Zuofu, a vice president at China Construction Bank, warned this week that the bank's non-performing loans rose rapidly in the Yangtze River Delta in the first half of this year, adding that in some parts of Zhejiang, the bank's non-performing loan ratio topped 2%, hardly a critical level but perhaps a sign of more problems to come.


China Citic Bank, the nation's seventh-largest lender by assets, also pointed an accusing finger at the same general region, saying that many of its bad loans were also from that area.


We're likely to see more finger pointing if the economy weakens further. This could make it even tougher for smaller companies to avoid being given the gutter oil treatment.



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