





和 “芥末” 一起学英语 —— On the dot

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2006-3-23 14:31| 查看数: 17999| 评论数: 3|

On the dot

The phrase means “准时地”. When you want to convince someone that you would be on time for a meeting or a gathering(聚会), you could say: Trust me. I’ll be there at 13:00 on the dot.

Sample sentence: Jenny is a person with principle(有原则的人). She always arrives at her office 8:00 on the dot.


83470582 发表于 2006-10-24 17:11:48

Well,i've got it. 

I also have some other words&pharses for sharing

punctually/ on time / on schedule. 

BlueMask 发表于 2006-11-6 17:40:01
When willyou come back?Bond
lunkeer 发表于 2006-11-28 13:47:25

I can say

I can say "I'll be there on thedot" next time.thanks
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