






发布者: veronica9526 | 发布时间: 2012-11-9 20:10| 查看数: 830| 评论数: 1|


Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

11. answer/reply

1) Can you __________ this question right now?

2) What did he do in ____________ to your challenge?

12. at table/at the table

1) The man sitting _________ is the new manager of this restaurant.

2) Children must learn to behave _________.

13. be familiar to/be familiar with

1) I am not very __________ pop singers.

2) Our national anthem ___________ each of the students, even the kids in nurseries.

14. full/fill

1) Will you please __________ in this form with a pen?

2) She was ___________of news. That means she couldn't stop herself talking about it.

15. be located/stand/lie

1) Shanghai __________ in the east of China.

2) That quiet small town is __________ at the foot of the mountain.

3) A clock __________ on the sideboard was an antique.

16. be made of/be made from/be made in

1) This watch _________ Japan in 2002.

2) Bread _________ wheat.

3) The blackboard _________ glass and wood.

17. beat/win

1) Mum always _________ me when we played chess before I was eight years old.

2) To my surprise, two of the students in our school _________ the first prize in the English contest this year.

3) He _________ me at table tennis yesterday.

18. beside/besides/except/except for

1) This composition is well written _________ a spelling mistake.

2) The girl sitting _________ Ms. Green is from Singapore.

3) We have seven lessons every day_________ Saturday and Sunday.

4) All the students attended the lecture _________ the teachers.

19. borrow/lend/keep

1) Could you tell me how long I can _________ the VCD?

2) I have no MP3, may I _________ yours?

3) You'd better not _________ my laptop to others.

20. bring/take/fetch/carry

1) Would you please _________ your umbrella in the next room. It's raining outside. 2) Remember to _________ your homework tomorrow.

3 ) It's getting windy, you'd better _________ a coat with you while you are out.

4) Light trains always _________ plenty of people to and from work in rush hours.


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