






发布者: lorespirit | 发布时间: 2012-11-10 21:53| 查看数: 1179| 评论数: 0|

Judith Rodin is shaking up one of the world's most venerable charitable foundations


“I AM not a 'steady as it goes’ sort of person,” says Judith Rodin, with admirable self-awareness. In the 21 months since she became president of the Rockefeller Foundation, Ms Rodin has shaken to its core the charitable foundation established by John D. Rockefeller, an oil tycoon, in 1913. (1)The 58 people who have left the staff, about one-third of those she inherited, are but the most visible evidence of the thorough change in culture over which she is presiding[1]—or, rather, the most audible evidence, judging by the vociferous[2] public complaints of some of the departed.


Ms Rodin is helping to answer one of the questions raised by a new generation of business-minded philanthropists, led by Bill Gates: whether the older philanthropic institutions would respond, and if so, how. Few institutions are less accountable than charitable foundations, which face no meaningful market pressure to keep them on top of their game. Yet who wants to work for, let alone run, an outfit widely seen as out of date and out of touch, not least by the fashionable new entrants to the industry?


Certainly not Ms Rodin, who joined Rockefeller after a successful career at the top of American higher education—one that briefly established her as the world's highest-paid university president. She is determined to make the foundation fit for the 21st century. (2)She now talks of the “new Rockefeller”, while deploying the favourite buzzwords of the new philanthropists, stressing the importance of being “strategic”, of “leveraging[3]” the relatively small sums of money at its disposal (it makes grants of around $100m a year) through partnerships, and, above all, of achieving “impact”.


(3)As reformers often do, she describes her revolution as returning the Rockefeller Foundation to its roots—in this case to the “scientific philanthropy” of its founder, who said that the “best philanthropy is constantly in search of the finalities—a search for a cause, an attempt to cure evils at their source.” Among other historic achievements, the foundation played big parts in developing a vaccine against yellow fever and in the “green revolution”, which spectacularly increased farming productivity and reduced poverty in many poor countries in the 1960s.


By the early 1970s most of the Rockefeller Foundation's greatest achievements were in the past and a long period of drift had begun. Ms Rodin inherited a foundation that was no longer the best nor the biggest—in its early years it gave more foreign aid than the American government. There was a danger of “becoming marginal in our impact”, says Ms Rodin. “Impact needed to be reasserted as a fundamental criterion for everything we do.”


This was not easy, partly because the foundation had been divided into several fiefs[4] (health, arts and so on), each defended with the vigorous politicking at which the charitable sector excels. Several of Ms Rodin's predecessors had arrived expecting to reform the foundation, only to leave disillusioned[5] a few years later. (4)For her part, Ms Rodin was confident of her ability to change an ossified[6] organisation and see off vocal critics, thanks not least to her successful ten-year reign as president of the University of Pennsylvania. There she returned the loss-making medical centre to profit and revived the impoverished community on the university's doorstep[7].


At Rockefeller, she promptly reviewed its programmes and their effect. She consulted experts, including two former treasury secretaries, Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, to identify the big 21st-century trends that the foundation could hope to affect. She also sought advice from groups that are helping the new philanthropists foster a more businesslike approach, including Bridgespan, a management consultancy for non-profit organisations, and the Centre for Effective Philanthropy. The centre's survey of the organisations funded by Rockefeller revealed a high cost structure relative to its peers, cumbersome[8] decision-making and a culture that did not expect high performance or reward it.


(5)Ms Rodin decided that the separate fiefs had to go. Instead, Rockefeller would pursue big strategic projects with specific goals that would bring together people from all the different programme areas as well as outsiders. The change caused alarm and misunderstanding. An article in the Lancet, a medical journal, asked if it meant that the Rockefeller Foundation planned to “reduce or even withdraw its long-standing commitment to public health”—prompting a swift denial from Ms Rodin.


Teaching an old dog new tricks


What her new approach means in practice is becoming clearer. Rockefeller has teamed up with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to promote a new green revolution in Africa—the first time two such groups have announced the sort of “strategic partnership” that is increasingly common in the for-profit world. Rockefeller has also bucked up[9] the planning for New Orleans's reconstruction, which had stalled[10] amid political conflict in the hurricane-devastated city. Rockefeller has provided staff to get the politicians talking to each other, sent Ed Koch, a former New York mayor, to advise on building low-cost housing, and provided finance for Spike Lee to make his documentary, “When the Levees Broke”. This could not have happened under the old programmatic approach, says Ms Rodin.


(6)Even more striking for an organisation that has suffered from “not invented here” syndrome, Rockefeller is teaming up with InnoCentive, an online business that posts problems and offers rewards to innovators who solve them. Rockefeller will provide funding to adapt this “open innovation” model to helping the poor. Next are likely to be projects on climate change and on the growing economic insecurity that many people experience. Whether all of this will accomplish as much as Ms Rodin hopes remains to be seen. But in the battle to reinvent the philanthropy business, she is giving the new crowd a run for their money[11].





1. preside v.1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) be chairman (at a conference, meeting, etc) (在会上)担任主席; 主持(会议等): the presiding officer 主持会议的官员 * Whoever presides will need patience and tact. 无论谁作主席, 都需既要有耐性, 又要机敏老练. * The Prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet. 首相主持内阁会议.

2 (phr v) preside over sth (a) be head or director of sth 掌管或领导某事物: The city council is presided over by the mayor. 市政委员会由市长领导. (b) control or be responsible for sth 管理某事物; 对某事物负有责任: The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability. 现任领导对公司利润的急剧下降负有责任.

2. vociferous adj. loud or noisy; expressing one's views forcibly and insistently 大声的; 嘈杂的; 强行或坚持表达自己观点的: vociferous complaints, protests, etc 大声疾呼的抱怨、抗议等 * a vociferous group of demonstrators 一批喧嚣的示威者.

3. leverage v. 1 to make money available to someone in order to invest or to buy something such as a company:

--the use of public funds to leverage private investment//

2 to spread or use

resources (=money, skills, buildings etc that an organization has available) , ideas etc again in several different ways or in different parts of a company, system etc:

leverage sth across sth//

--Reusable software is leveraged across many applications.//

4. fief n.封地, 采邑

5. disillusioned adj. ~ (with sb/sth) disappointed in sb/sth that one had admired or believed in (对某人[某事物])大失所望, 幻想破灭: Disillusioned voters want an alternative to the two main parties. 失望的选民需要一个党派以取代这两个大党. * She's disillusioned with life in general. 她对生活各方面均不抱幻想了.

6. ossify v. (pt, pp -fied) [I, Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] (fml )

1 (cause sth to) become hard like bone; change into bone (使某物)骨化; 变成骨.

2 (fml derog , ) (cause sth to) become rigid and unable to change (使某事物)僵化, 不能更动: Beliefs have ossified into rigid dogma. 信仰已僵化为不可更动的教条.

7. on sb's/the doorstep:

a) very near someone's home//

--Wow! You've got the beach right on your doorstep !//

b) at someone's home//

--I got a bit of a shock when he just turned up on the doorstep .//

8. cumbersome adj.

1 heavy and difficult to carry, wear, etc (对于携带、穿戴等)笨重的: a cumbersome parcel, overcoat 沉重的包裹、大衣.

2 slow and inefficient 迟缓而缺乏效率的: the university's cumbersome administrative procedures 这所大学拖拖拉拉的行政工作.

9. buck up

(infml ) hurry 赶紧; 赶快: Buck up! We're going to be late. 快点儿! 我们快要晚了. buck (sb) up (infml ) (cause sb to) become more cheerful (使某人)高兴起来, 打起精神来: The good news bucked us all up. 大家听了这个好消息都高兴起来. * Buck up! Things aren't as bad as you think. 打起精神来! 事情并非像你想的那么糟.

10. stall v. 1 (a) [I] (of an engine) stop suddenly because of insufficient power or speed (指发动机因力量或速度不够)熄火: The car stalled at the roundabout. 那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了. (b) [I, Tn] (of a driver) cause (an engine) to do this (指司机)使(发动机)熄火: Learner drivers often stall (their cars). 见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象. 4 (a) [I] avoid giving a definite answer or taking action (in order to get more time); delay 支吾, 拖延(以争取时间): stall for time 拖延时间 * Stop stalling and give me an answer! 别支支吾吾的了, 快回答我的问题! (b) [Tn] avoid answering (a person, request, etc) in this way 对(某人、某要求等)支吾或敷衍: stall one's creditors 敷衍债主.

11.a (good, etc) run for one's money (a) challenging competition or opposition 较量; 竞争; 对抗: They may win the game, but we'll give them a good run for their money. 他们即使能赢得这场比赛, 我们也不会让他们轻易取胜. (b) reward, interest, enjoyment, etc, esp in return for effort 报偿、利益、满足等(尤指付出努力後所获得者): I feel I've had an excellent run for my money (ie a rewarding career) and now I'm happy to retire. 我对我一生的事业十分满意, 现在退休甚为欣慰.


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