





旅行贴士大全 不可不看

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2012-11-19 08:58| 查看数: 1063| 评论数: 0|

忘情于自由空气中 自由行好选择Travel Agency

Some people like to go on a package tour where the flights, hotels, tours are arranged by a travel agency. 那么,旅行社可以为我们提供哪些服务呢?


1 Low-cost flight tickets

2 A selection of high-quality hotels

3 A selection of tours and cruises

4 Car-hire service

5 Advanced booking

6 Advanced payment


A travel agency

Trailseekers has been one of the leading names in tailor-made travel for over thirty years. With our network of travel centers in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, we offer a service unmatched by any of our competitors.


As a leading travel agency, our connections with international airlines are second to none. With our phenomenal buying power, we are able to offer an unbeatable choice of low-cost flights all over the world.

作为一个名列前茅的旅行社,Trailseekers 同各国际航空公司的关系是首屈一指的,我们强大的购买力使我们能够提供无与伦比的低价位机票。

We also offer a unique selection of high-quality hotels, tours, and cruises. With our first-class computer system, Trailseekers provides a quick and efficient booking system that organizes air-tickets, car-hire, hotels and tours at the click of a button. Everything can be booked and paid for in advance.


Trailseekers works in close partnership with hotel chains, tour-operators and travel companies all over the world to offer you an efficient, reliable and friendly service. We have negotiated discounts for our clients so that a booking with Trailseekers offers unbeatable value.



1 tailor-made adj 定制的

2 unmatched adj 无与伦比的

3 second to none 独一无二的,第一的

4 phenomenal adj 特别的

5 unbeatable adj 无与伦比的、无法超越的

飞翔在高高蓝天上 坐飞机小技巧Flight

If you travel with a well-known airline, you will be impressed with its services. 然而,长途飞行依然会让我们感觉疲惫不堪。别着急,good advice will turn a tiring flight into a pleasant trip。

先让我们瞧瞧空姐和乘客之间经常会说些什么。演练一番,下次再和美丽的空姐寒暄就不会紧张啦 *^_^* 。

STEWARD: Excuse me, madam, may I see your boarding card? I think you may be in the wrong seat.

PASSENGER: Here you are.

STEWARD: Ah, I see that you are in row 27. This is row 26. I wonder if you would mind sitting there?

PASSENGER: Not at all. Sorry!

STEWARD: That's quite all right, madam! Here, let me help you with your hand luggage.


Excuse me sir/madam would you like an orange juice? Thank you.

Which newspaper would you like, sir/madam? I'll have that one, please. Thank you.

Excuse me sir/madam would you mind fastening your seat belt ready for take-off? Oh, um, certainly.

Excuse me sir/madam would you like something to drink? Yes, please. I'll have a ..., please.

Excuse me sir/madam would you like chicken or beef? Er, I'll have the chicken, please.

Would you like tea or coffee? Er, neither, thanks. I'd just like a glass of soda-water, please.

Excuse me sir/madam, would you like any duty-free items? No, thanks.


Before a flight:

1.have immunization against common diseases

2.have travel insurance

3.control your diet

4.wear loose-fitting cloth made of natural fibers


During a flight:

1.eat light meals.

(At high altitudes (高海拔), your body becomes sensitive to certain types of food.)

2.drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol.

(Avoid tiredness and headaches caused by dehydration (脱水).)

3.do exercises.

(Avoid feeling tired and stiff.)

纵情于奢华酒店中 住酒店小贴士Hotel

You'll know what a four-star hotel room is like and how to check into a hotel and how to order food in a restaurant. 此外,我们还会聊聊hotel management方面的话题。内容是不是很丰富?赶快看看吧。



(1) Wow!

(2) Good Heavens!

(3) Dear Me!

(4) Good Lord!

Exclamatory sentences:

(1) What enormous twin beds!

(2) Look, what a wonderful view!

(3) How wonderful the view is!

(4) I can hardly believe my eyes!

(5) Who'd have thought it?

(6) How very surprising!


1 Excuse me. I have a problem with.... Can you solve it for me?

2 That's good of you, but I really want....

3 Could I see the manager, please?

4 I have been very patient, but ....

5 I'm sure you will agree that this is not what your guests expect....

6 Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.

沉醉在异域风光里 出境游小词汇 Vocabulary

一般的旅行用travel就可以,因公而进行的短暂旅行叫做trip,观光旅行叫tour。Journey多指长途旅行,所以一定要做好准备再出发哦。海上旅行叫voyage。坐着pleasure boat在地中海来次cruise tour一定是我们许多人的梦想。

出国旅行要办签证visa。最好还要预定reserve往返机票round-trip ticket 和下榻的酒店hotel。


我们可以乘坐机场巴士airport bus去机场。拉着旅行箱trunk,走到航空公司airline的柜台前办理登记手续check-in。出示机票flight ticket和护照passport,领到登机牌boarding pass,然后进行安检security check。手续都办好,就可以登机了。如果离飞机起飞take-off还有一段时间,你可以去免税店duty free转悠一圈,不过千万别忘了飞机起飞的时间哟。


飞机上的乘务员flight attendant通常都很热情,有什么请求尽管提好了。In-flight meal 是飞机餐,饱餐之后难免就要去lavatory。Lavatory是指飞机上的洗手间,如果门上显示occupied字样,就表示你要等待一会了。


下了飞机以后,要到标有入境检查IMMIGRATION的地方接受入境检查手续。手续完毕,就可以去行李领取处baggage claim area取行李。最后就要去海关出入境口clear customs接受最后的检查。海关人员会问你:“Anything to declare?”你只要说句“No, nothing.”,就可以离开机场了。


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