





不要忘记常晒晒日光浴 The Sun Exposure

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2012-12-4 22:51| 查看数: 950| 评论数: 0|

The Sun Exposure 晒太阳


The human body is a fragile system and most of us know what it takes to be healthy. We exercise and eat right but our environment has a powerful effect on our mental, physical and chemical health. Clean water and air are necessary for proper function but most of us discount the necessity of proper sun exposure. If you have not gone down the checklist of health habits and are still struggling to overcome your health challenge, don't forget the power of the sun.

In 2005 the sun is something to be feared, it's a cancer-causing giant that we must be protected from. At the same time everyone would agree that they look and feel better with a little sun. Since the dawn of man we have depended on the sun for food and better health. So which is it?

The answer is in the balance of nature. All of us require different amounts of sun exposure depending on the amount of melanin in the skin. Lighter skins have less melanin and require less exposure and darker skin requires much more.

What can proper sun exposure do for you? When exposed to the sun, cholesterol will help create Vitamin D to build strong bones. Vitamin D doesn't exist in large amounts in a natural diet and our ancestors got it primarily from the sun. The sun not only helps build strong bones, it also helps lower blood pressure, relax muscles, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, alleviate depression, reduce stress and balance hormones.

Vitamin D is not a vitamin but the most potent steroid hormone in the body. Scientists postulate that even cancer, heart disease, diabetes and blood pressure are affected adversely by lack of vitamin D. Studies are also showing a connection to women with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and early results look promising. Our ancestors ate 10 times the amount of vitamins, mineral, nutrients and antioxidants that helped protect them from skin cancer. Vitamin A in carrots and Vitamin E in nuts and avocados are some of the core nutrients that are used up with exposure and help protect us from mutations caused by the sun. In fact the sun is not the culprit as much as the lack of nutrients that leaves us open to mutation and cancer.

Interestingly enough, new scientific research is pointing the finger at the very substances we lather on our body to protect ourselves. Look for skin protection from natural ingredients. Look for natural ways and products to protect skin from overexposure.

Though you don‘t want to be a human Gucci bag, proper sun exposure can help balance your health and emotions. Start off slowly and experiment to find what amount of sun works for you. Even 15 minutes of direct exposure a day can yield great results even when it’s cloudy. The body will produce 20,000 units of Vitamin D in 20 minutes in the summer. Full spectrum light bulbs can also help simulate sunlight and help when it's impossible to get outside.

We are made to worship God, to laugh, to love, to drink clean water and breathe clean air. We are made to move, to sweat, and eat real food. And as science is showing, we are to exist outside in the sun. Once again science confirms what we already knew. So get outside or sit by the window and enjoy the warm glow of health.


在2005年的时候,人们因为听说太阳光有可能造成皮肤癌,于是就尽可能地避免太阳光。即使是这样,人们还是感到晒一点太阳光不仅感到很舒服的而且看上去也很健康。自从有了人类,我们吃的都是要靠太阳,而且我们的健康也要靠太阳。 这怎么说呢?

很简单,所有的一切都需要自然的平衡。所有的人类都需要一定数量的阳光照射,但是这个阳光照射量是根据皮肤所含黑色素的数目不同而不同。白种人皮肤里的黑色素较少,所以 晒太阳的时间也可以相应少一些;反之,黑种人的就需要多一些太阳光的照射。

适量照射太阳光对你有什么好处呢?当人体在太阳光的照射下,体内的胆固醇就会帮助产出维生素D,从而坚固人体的骨骼。在我们的食品中维生素D的含量不多,而我们的祖先就是主要靠阳光 使他们的体内有足够的维生素D。阳光的作用不仅坚固骨骼,也能降低血压,使肌肉放松,减轻炎症,止痛,减轻忧郁病症,减轻压力,而且还能平衡体内 的各种激素。

维生素D不是普通的维生素而是体内一种强有力的类固醇激素。科学家认为即使是癌症、心脏病、糖尿病、和高血压都是因为体内缺少维生素D所致。研究显示妇女的多囊卵巢综合症与缺少维生素D有明显的联系, 从事这个研究的临床试验,效果也是令人振奋。我们的祖先所吃的维生素、矿物质、营养物和抗氧化物,是我们现在吃的10倍,正是因为如此,虽然他们 在太阳光下的时间比我们多得多,但是得皮肤癌的可能性却是很小。胡萝卜里的维生素A、硬壳果和鳄梨里的维生素E都是很重要的营养品,在人体接受阳光的照射 时,这些营养品就起到了保护我们的作用。事实上,缺乏营养是造成人体变异、得癌症的罪魁祸首,而不是太阳光,





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