





衣食住行 Things You Need to Know

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2012-12-4 22:57| 查看数: 1057| 评论数: 0|

Things You Need to Know 衣食住行


1.        At most of the American airports, luggage carrier trolley's are not free of charge. You will have to pay a nominal charge of1 to 2 dollar.

2.        Just like China here in America, one has to keep to the right hand side of the road. And the drivers seat is on the left side of the car.

3.        For crossing roads there will be buttons provided on the signal post, which have to be pressed in order to get the "Walk" signal. You must use pedestrian crossing to cross a road, otherwise you will be fined, if caught.

4.        You will be fined heavily, if found walking on the highways.

For all nature calls, you are suppose to take the closest exit, and use public rest rooms.

5.        In public local transport buses, there is no ticket conductor. Also in some places you won't get any formal tickets for traveling, unless you want a day pass.

You need to make a stop request to the driver, by pulling the bell string.

** Remember: Whatever you put in the cash box, if extra, is gone. Maximum driver can do is, to give you that much worth tickets, but not the money.

6.        You won't find any taxi/cab waiting in a queue on the road sides. You will have to call them up (at the numbers given in the yellow pages). Although there are taxi stands at the Airports and Railway Stations.

7.        Most of the Gas Stations (Petrol Pumps) are self serviced, i.e. you need to fill it up yourself. And all machines are equipped to pay by credit cards.

8.        Some of the traffic signals are equipped with video cameras. Don't wonder if you get a traffic violation ticket in your mail box.

9.        You can be fined for driving above the posted speed limit. Make sure you know the speed limit and drive within it.

10.        Your license can be seized and maybe even be put in to a jail, if caught drunk, while driving.

11.        If a cop (police officer) asks you to stop while you are driving, just stop the car at the right side of the road, and wait inside. Never get out of the car. Cop may consider it as an offense, and might shoot you for self defense.

12.        Never throw any kind of paper or any other waste out of your car windows. If caught, you might be fined for littering.

13.        Try to avoid using car horns, unless required.

14.        Normally, apartments provide basic kitchen appliances like cooking burners, oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher.

15.        Mostly all the apartments are equipped with centralized heating system. And some are equipped with A.C. too.

16.        You would find both "Hot" and "Cold" water in the tap at all places, viz. Apartments, offices as well as in all public rest rooms.

17.        At the restaurants, you won't get steamed hot towel but dry napkins.

18.        Unlike in China, at restaurants, usually you get 2 categories of dishes. "On the wall" and "A La Carte". You will have two more menus, wine list and dessert list.

19.        At fast food joints, you would be asked if the food is for "Here" or "To Go"? "Here" means to have there itself, and "To Go" means packed/ parceled.

20.        At most American restaurants, it is a custom to tip the server. Normally a sum of minimum 10% of the check.

21.        In most of the Chinese restaurants you will find buffet. At buffets, it is a custom to use a fresh plate for each next serving. Leave the earlier one at the table itself, server will clear it up.

22.        At any Dine-in place, don't go and occupy any empty table yourself. Wait at the front desk, as someone would assist you to get seated.

23.        Are you a Vegetarian? No Problem. Just be careful while ordering to specify "no meat" and don't say anything else like "without meat", "meat-less" etc., as they don't understand these terms.

24.        When you want a drink without ice, specify "No Ice", and not "Without Ice".

25.        You would be fined heavily, if caught shop lifting, and might be handed over to the Police.

26.        In US, Beer and Wine is available in the super markets. At some stores you might also find hard drinks like, Whiskey and Rum. Don't forget to carry your ID's having your age proof, if you are walking down in a bar, to have some drinks. The drinking age is 21.

27.        Electric switches are operated in the opposite direction, i.e. upside-ON and downside-OFF.

28.        Never ever ask for a rubber when you need an eraser. Here a rubber means "condom" !!

29.        The date is written as, MM/ DD/ YY i.e. Month/ Date/ Year or Date/Month/Year.

30.        When you are going to smoke, don't say, "I am going out for a fag". "Fag" in British English means, "to smoke", whereas in American English, it means a "Gay".

31.        Here pink color shirt is normally taken as the sign of being a "Gay".

32.        Mainland USA is divided into 4 time zones. They are "Eastern Time", "Central Time", "Mountain Time", and "Pacific Time". Depending on the zone, your time will differ from any other zone state.

33.        All watches are reset twice every year (viz. March and November), in order to make the maximum use of the day light.

34.        Never, ever talk in your native language in presence of Americans during a gathering. They don't like it.

35.        There is no such thing as "Eve teasing" in the USA. It is called "sexual harassment", and one can land to a serious consequence even to be put in jail, if caught.

36.        If you don't find public toilets anywhere around, the best option is to go to any fast food joint like Mc. Donald's etc.

37.        Don't say, "I'll ring you back." or "I'll give you a ring later". Here ring is the engagement ring, rather say "I'll call you, or buzz you".

38.        Don't offer chewing gum, or a breath freshener to others. It gives them a message that they have a bad breath. Your intention may not be that, but it is easily mistaken.

39.        Don't call a black person a "Negro" or "Black", it is always polite to call them "African Americans". Also never call an "American Indian" as a "Red Indian", they get very offended.

40.        Don't walk/sit with arms around the shoulders of anybody of same sex, as you might be mistaken for "a Gay" or "a Lesbian".

41.        In cars, kids under 12 years of age should always be seated at the back with a seat belt. Additional car seat must be used for infants and toddlers.

42.        When standing in a line make sure there is enough space between you and the person standing in front of you. If you stand too close to strangers, they feel you are invading their personal space....Watch Out!!!

43.        In supermarkets, if the cashier asks for paper or plastic? It means what would you like to carry your stuff in, paper bags or plastic bags.

44.        During your conversation, Don't say, "I have a doubt", rather say "I have a question."

45.        Usually, all ATMs will only give $20 bills and you may only withdraw in multiples of $20.

46.        Punctuality is a necessary habit. It would be good if you could come at about 5 to 10 minutes earlier for an appointment. But you should not be much too early either.

1.        在美国的绝大部分机场里,如果有人替你搬运行李,你是要给小费的,通常搬运一件行李的小费是一到二美金,视行李的大小和轻重而定。

2.        如同在中国一样,车辆都在路的右边行驶。而驾驶员都是坐在车辆的左侧开车。

3.        过马路,你可能要按一个在红绿灯杆上的按钮,等到出现“Walk”字样的时候,你才可以过马路。过马路必须在人行横道线内行走,否则你有被处于罚金的可能。

4.        如果你在高速公路上行走,那你将会被处于很重的罚金。如果想上厕所,请你赶快下高速公路,找个公共厕所。

5.        在市内公共汽车(各公共交通工具)里,你只付钱,但是一般是没有车票的。司机就是售票员,但是钱不是交给司机的,而是放到一个收钱的收款箱里;只有放了钱,你才能进到车里去。特别要注意:在你放钱之前,让司机看清你放了足够的钱;另外,钱币放进收款箱是不退的,放多了只是表示你的慷慨。如果你放的实在太多,司机最多给你一张或者多张日票(可以使用一整天而不计乘车次数的票据)。所以请你预备适当的零钱,当然,车上也有换零钱的机器。一般只有月票和日票才是一张正式的票据。如果到站没有人上下车,车就不停站,如果你要下车,你得按铃告诉司机,然后司机会在下一个站停车让你下。

6.        在美国的大部分城市里,你看不到出租车在马路上排队等乘客,这种现象大概只会在机场和火车站才能看到。一般情况下,你都要打电话去叫出租车。出租车公司的电话号码可以在黄页电话本上找到。

7.        绝大部分的加油站都要你自己动手来加油。加油站都接受信用卡。

8.        有些红绿灯配置录像设备,所以你不要奇怪突然收到警察局寄给你的罚单。

9.        在你开车的道路上,请你时刻注意车速的规定,虽然在同一条道路上,但是不同的地方却可能有不同的限速。超速是要罚款的。

10.        酒后驾车不仅有可能会被吊销驾照,甚至有可能还要坐牢。

11.        当警察让你停车时,你就在路的右边停车,但是不要走出车子。一旦你在没有被允许的情况下走出车子,警察会以为你要对他攻击而向你开枪作为他的自我保护。

12.        在开车时向车外抛扔垃圾是违法的。乱扔垃圾会被处以罚款。

13.        开车一般不按喇叭,除非有特殊需要。

14.        一般的公寓都会提供基本的厨房设备,比如:冰箱、炉灶、烤箱和洗碗机。

15.        一般的公寓都装有该地区应具备的冷暖气设备。

16.        所有的建筑物,比如公寓、办公室、公共厕所、等等,一般都配置冷热水系统。

17.        在餐厅里,一般没有热毛巾让你擦脸,但是有干的餐巾供你擦手。

18.        不像在中国,餐厅里的菜单有贴在墙上的,在餐桌上也有;在美国餐厅里除了在餐桌上有基本的菜单以外,还会有一个酒单和一个甜点心单。

19.        当你到快餐店点菜的时候,营业员会问你是要“Here”还是要“To Go”。“Here”就是“堂吃”;而“To Go”就是“外买”、“带走”的意思。

20.        在餐厅里(不包括快餐厅),顾客要付服务小费。一般小费额为账单额的10-20%。

21.        在绝大部分中国餐厅里都有自助餐。按习惯,在自助餐里(不论是不是中国餐厅),每一次去拿菜,你都得换个干净的盘子。你只要把那个已经用过了的盘子留在你用餐的桌子上就可以了,因为有服务员会把它收走。

22.        在堂吃的餐厅里(不包括快餐厅),顾客入座都是由带位人员把顾客带到餐桌。请不要擅自坐到餐桌去。

23.        如果你是一位素食者,只要在点菜的时候加上一句“no meat”就可以了;其他就不必多说。尤其不要说“without meat”或者使用“meat-less”之类的词。

24.        美国人喜欢在饮料里加冰,当你点饮料的时候,如果你不喜欢在饮料里加冰块,你就可以一说“no ice”美国人不说“without ice”。

25.        在一般的商店里,工作人员很少,但是千万不要以为是没有人在观察。在商店里行窃的罚款是很重的,而且有被送入警察局并留下记录的可能。这种偷窃纪录对将来成为永久居民和美国公民都会造成困难。

26.        美国法律规定,只有年满21岁的成人方可饮酒。虽然在超级市场里有啤酒、葡萄酒、甚至烈酒卖,但是你不要忘记带你的证件,因为不到21岁的年轻人是连酒都不能买的,更不要说到酒吧去饮酒了。

27.        电灯之类电器用品的墙上开关,与中国的开关的方向相反。开关向上是“开”,开关向下是“关”。

28.        当你要一块橡皮改错的时候,千万不要说你要一个“rubber”,而要说你要一块“eraser”。因为“rubber”在美国人的口语中常常是“避孕套”的代名词。

29.        美式年月日的写法是:月月/日日/年年,而不是中式年年/月月/日日的写法,也不是英式日日/月月/年年的写法。

30.        英式英语与美式英语有很大的不同,尤其是在某些用词上。在英国,当你要到门外抽烟的时候,你可以说“I am going out for a fag.”,但是这话不能在美国说。在英式英文中“fag”可以表示“抽烟”,但是在美式英文的口语中,这个字却是表示“同性恋男子”。所以请当心,不要闹笑话。

31.        在美国,穿衣服是很有讲究的,而且不同的衣服颜色有不同的意义。同性恋男士常常是以穿粉红色的衬衫向周围的表示他的性生活特点。

32.        在美国本土有四个时间区,它们是“东部时区”、“中央时区”、“山地时区“和“太平洋时区”。纽约是在东部时区,芝加哥是在中央时区,丹佛是在山地时区,而洛杉矶和旧金山 都是在太平洋时区。这四个时区依次相差一小时。

33.        为了充分利用太阳光,每年有两次更改时间的时候:一次在三月,一次在十一月。在三月的时候大家要把钟丛清晨的二点拨到三点;在十一月则把钟从清晨的二点拨到一点。在这两个拨钟之间 (三月到十一月)的时间系统被称为“夏时制”。

34.        在大庭广众使用其他人不懂的语言交谈,在美国是被视为一种不礼貌的行为。

35.        在美国“吃豆腐”就是“性骚扰”。如果被抓到证据不仅会有严重后果,甚至有坐牢的可能。

36.        快餐连锁店是你紧急需要厕所的最好解决地点。

37.        为了表示“我回头打电话给你”,英国人会说“I'll give you a ring later”。但是在美国你千万别这么说,因为人家会以为你是在向她求婚,要送一只订婚戒指呢。你最好说“I'll call you later”或者“I'll give you a buzz”,这样就不会误解了。

38.        如果你不认为他有口臭,那就千万不要请他吃口香糖。

39.        对美国黑人的称呼是“Afriean American”;对印第安人的称呼是“American Indian”。其他的称呼都不是很友善的。

40.        无论是走路还是坐着,不要与同性别的人钩肩搭背。因为这是同性恋的行为特征。

41.        在小轿车里,不满12周岁的孩子必须坐在后排,而且也必须系上安全带。小小孩还必须坐在一种为小小孩特制的车用椅子上。

42.        排队的时候,务必与你前面的人保持一定的距离。太靠近前面的人,会被视为入侵到前面人的私人空间。

43.        在超级市场里,当你付钱的时候,不要因为售货员不仅提供免费装货物的袋子,还会问你是要纸袋呢还是要塑胶袋而感到奇怪。

44.        当你在与人对话的时候,如果你有一个疑问。千万不要说“I have a doubt”。只要说“I have a question”就好了。

45.        通常在银行自动提款机里只有二十美金钞票,所以你提款的总数是以二十的倍数才好。

46.        美国人都很准时,如果说三点钟开会,你最好在两点五十五分就到场。美国人对不准时的人没有好感。 当然也不要到得太早。


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