






发布者: veronica9526 | 发布时间: 2013-1-17 22:47| 查看数: 867| 评论数: 1|


◎多头买升 buying long

◎空头卖跌 selling short

◎按市价订购股票 market order

◎股票经纪人 stockbroker

◎国际货币基金 the IMF

◎七国集团 the G-7

◎监督 surveillance

◎同业拆借市场 interplant market

◎可兑换性 convertibility

◎软通货 soft currency

◎限制 restriction

◎交易 transaction

◎充分需求 adequate demand

◎短期外债 short term external debt

◎汇率机制 exchange rate regime

◎直接标价 direct quotes

◎资本流动性 mobility of capital

◎赤字 deficit

◎本国货币 domestic currency

◎外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market

◎国际储备 international reserve

◎利率 interest rate

◎资产 assets

◎国际收支 balance of payments

◎贸易差额 balance of trade

◎繁荣 boom

◎债券 bond

◎资本 capital

◎资本支出 capital expenditures

◎商品 commodities

◎商品交易所 commodity exchange

◎期货合同 commodity futures contract

◎普通股票 common stock

◎联合大企业 conglomerate

◎货币贬值 currency devaluation

◎通货紧缩 deflation

◎折旧 depreciation

◎贴现率 discount rate

◎归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income

◎从业人员 employed person

◎汇率 exchange rate

◎财政年度fiscal year

◎自由企业 free enterprise

◎国民生产总值 gross national product

◎库存 inventory

◎劳动力人数 labor force

◎债务 liabilities

◎市场经济 market economy

◎合并 merger

◎货币收入 money income

◎跨国公司 Multinational Corporation

◎个人收入 personal income

◎优先股票 preferred stock

◎价格收益比率 price-earning ratio

◎优惠贷款利率 prime rate

◎利润 profit

◎回报 return on investment

◎使货币升值 revaluation

◎薪水 salary

◎季节性调整 seasonal adjustment

◎关税 tariff

◎失业人员 unemployed person

◎效用 utility

◎价值 value

◎工资 wages

◎工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral

◎收益 yield

◎补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal

◎储蓄银行 saving banks

◎欧洲联盟 the European Union

◎单一的实体 a single entity

◎抵押贷款 mortgage lending

◎业主产权 owner’s equity

◎普通股 common stock

◎无形资产 intangible assets

◎收益表 income statement

◎营业开支 operating expenses

◎行政开支 administrative expenses

◎现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow

◎贸易中的存货 inventory

◎收益 proceeds

◎投资银行 investment bank

◎机构投资者 institutional investor

◎垄断兼并委员会 MMC

◎招标发行 issue by tender

◎定向发行 introduction

◎代销 offer for sale

◎直销 placing

◎公开发行 public issue

◎信贷额度 credit line

◎国际债券 international bonds


◎利差 interest margin

◎以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan

◎权利股发行 rights issues

◎净收入比例结合 net income gearing


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