





新概念第二册语法精粹:交际用语 - 谈论天气

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-1-21 14:26| 查看数: 841| 评论数: 0|

七、Talking about Weather(谈论天气)

1、It's a fine day, isn't it?

2、What's the temperature today?

3、What's the weather like today?

4、How is the weather?

5、What's the weather going to be like at the weekend?

6、Do you like the weather in Beijing?

7、Do you think that we are going to have snow today?



1、—It seems to be clearing up.

—That will be a nice change, ______?

A.isn't it B.won't it C.can't it D.doesn't it

2、—How cold is it today?

— ______.

A.Just so-so B.not too C.It's ten below zero D.Yes, it is

3、— ______?

—It's very cold and damp.

A.What's the weather B.How's the weather today

C.Is it raining last night D.Might it have rained a lot

4、—Do you like the weather in North China?

—Not really, but ______ now.

A.I fit it B.I am used to it C.I used to it D.I agree to it

5、—I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

— ______.

—That's a good idea.

A.Let's look through the paper B.Let's listen to the weather report on the radio

C.Better be care of the radio D.Pay attention to the radio

6、— ______.

—It certainly is. The sun is shining and there is a pleasant breeze.

—It's lovely.

A.What nice it is B.How nice it is here C.It is like spring here D.What a good day here

7、—What a nice day, isn't it?

— ______

A.You're right. B.Yes, isn't it? C.Yes, I agree. D.Really?

8、— ______?

—Yes, a bit cold, though.

A.Cold weather, isn't it B.Bad weather, don't you think

C.Freezing, isn't it D.Nice day, isn't it

9、— ______ today?

—It's nice and warm.

A.What's the weather B.What's the weather like

C.How is the weather like D.How does the weather look like

10、—Do you think it is going to snow over the weekend?

— ______.

A.I don't believe B.I don't believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not




1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D


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