






发布者: 快乐的老去 | 发布时间: 2013-1-26 15:32| 查看数: 1436| 评论数: 0|


Linguist Holec once put it, the purpose of foreign language teaching has two : one is to help students acquire language knowledge and communication skills, two is to help them acquire the ability of autonomous learning, independent learning. In the era of knowledge economy, especially. Because people need is to produce new knowledge and not repeat the old knowledge ability. Talent training should not only enable learners to acquire certain professional knowledge and skills, but the training they have to keep learning and the ability to create knowledge and quality, which has a strong ability to adapt. At the same time, constructivism also pointed out, the students' language learning and knowledge building, is to realize the internalization of knowledge and expand, the use of so, progress and achievement of students' autonomous learning ability will influence and determine the language learning.


Define a, autonomous learning


The earliest research learning Holec thinks " autonomy" refers to "the ability of a responsible for their own learning, is a potential, ability can be implemented in the specific environment, rather than the individual in the environment of actual behavior ". D.Little thinks that " autonomy" refers to " an independent, critical reflection, the ability to make decisions and independent action. Autonomous learning is the learning process and learning content mental contact ". Dickinson believes that learner autonomy broadly refers to the educational process development can lead to personal thinking ability, the narrow sense letting learners can independently make and learning activities related to decision-making and the successful implementation of the decision-making ability. Autonomous learners should bear the learning responsibility includes learning content, learning methods, learning progress, learning time, learning materials, self monitoring and self test.


Although the researchers on " autonomy in language learning " definition of each are not identical, but in the following several aspects of the sense of the definition on the achieved consensus: 1 ) learner autonomy to the learner and willing to make decision for responsible for their own learning, this kind of ability is not innate. 2 ) develop autonomy need to arouse learners in the learning process of consciousness, such as participation in the activities of consciousness, consciousness, the teacher plays a very important role in this respect. 3 ) differences in learner autonomy degree, and is not stable, therefore, cultivating learner autonomy should adopt different teaching environment in different ways. 4 ) the scope and role of learner autonomy is multi-dimensional, personal and social value, psychological and political aspects. 5 ) independent of different cultures give learners with different explanations. Differences between Chinese and Western cultural differences and educational value, determines the independence of our students should be different from the west, is built on the basis of traditional culture education mode.


Several values of two, autonomous learning


Compared with the students in western countries, because of the differences of cultural values, Chinese students' mode of thinking and learning methods are dependent, do not have completely independent learning ability and condition. Therefore, to carry out independent study in China, tend to the following values.


The autonomy of the 1 learner's emphasis on individual learning needs, learning styles of individual choice learning mode, on a personal level, emphasizes the learners have a distinct personality. In a sense, it represents the trend of the future of education. However, the learners' is relative, not absolute, only to achieve the organic unity of individuality and commonness, learners' autonomous learning ability is utilized to the best advantage.


The autonomy of the 2 learner's emphasis on effective learning activities on a social level includes both the learners to think about and try to individuals, including learners actively participate in group learning activities. Classroom group activities provide learning growth point of autonomy and incentive mechanism, also provides essential language learning conditions. Cultivation of communicative language ability of the social characteristics is very important.


3 autonomous learning psychological level focuses on learners' internal capabilities, such as learning, cognitive style, learning strategy, creativity. Therefore, based on the traditional teaching methods, teachers should give students more independent learning motivation and the freedom of choice, make their learning has great flexibility and pertinence.


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