





一起过专四 词汇70练:第45期

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-1-27 12:13| 查看数: 1346| 评论数: 0|

1. Evidence came up__1__specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.?

A. what B. that C. which D. whose

2. I understand__2__preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline.?

A. more than the enormous amount of? B. better than most the enormous number of? C. better than most the enormous amount of ? D. fewer than the number of?

3. I'm sure your suggestion will__3__the problem.

A. contribute to solving ? B. be contributed to solve ? C. contribute to solve ? D. be contributed to solving?

4. In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented__4__proper seating at the World's Anti?slavery convention in London because of their sex

A. refusing B. to be refused ? C. being refused D. having refused?

5. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it__5__before the West was settled.

A. could B. did C. would D. was

6. The message is clear: Just as tea and banana cant't go together,__6__should the son of a low?class family expect to marry the daughter of a nobleman.

A. either B. not C. neither D. nor

7.Though__7__rich, she was better off than at any other period in her life.

A. by means of B. within her means ? C. by all means D. by no means??

8. It is a(n)__8__attitude to take towards life.

A. absurd B. silly C. stupid D. authentic? ?

9. Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that__9__one year of college.

A. improves B. subsidizes C. obliges D. inflicts

10. He wrote the book in__10__with his wife.

A. proportion B. installment ? C. correspondence D. collaboration


1. B) 【句意】 有证据表明,小至六个月的婴儿就能识别具体的声音。?

【难点】 evidence后面的同位语从句被全句的谓语动词came up隔开,同位语从句须由that引导,所以B)项正确。

2. C) 【句意】 我比多数人更能理解员工们在最后期限的压力下所做的大量准备工作。?

【难点】 understand better than...意为“对…非常理解”。preparation是不可数名词,须用amount修饰,故选C)。

3. A) 【句意】 我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。?

【难点】 contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词,故选A)。?

4. C) 【句意】 1840年,露克里蒂安·莫特和伊丽莎白·凯蒂·斯坦顿因为他们的性别而没有得到伦敦世界废奴大会的席位,他们对此表示愤慨。?

【难点】 resent后接名词或动名词作宾语,根据句意的要求,应使用动名词的被动语态形式,故选C)?

5. B) 【句意】 作为一个国家来说,美国将不再具有开拓西部前所具有的那种冒险精神。?

【难点】 从意义来看,空格应填had,但主句中have是实义动词,为避免重复,可用助动词do替代,即用did替代had,故B)为答案。?

6. C) 【句意】 这是明摆着的事:就像茶叶和香蕉不相搭配一样,下层阶级家庭的儿子也不可能指望娶一个贵族的女儿。

【难点】 neither用于否定句之后,意为“…亦不…”;either用于否定句,意为“(二者之中的)任何一方?都(不)…”?;nor意为“…也不…(置于否定句之后)”;not在本句中说不通。?


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