






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-3-5 23:32| 查看数: 997| 评论数: 0|

The Euro's Next Battleground: Spain

Greece set off the crisis rattling the euro zone. Spain could determine whether the 16-nation currency stands or falls.

The euro zone's No. 4 economy, Spain has an unemployment rate of 19%, a deflating housing bubble, big debts and a gaping budget deficit. Its gross domestic product contracted 3.6% in 2009 and is expected to shrink again this year, leaving Spain in its deepest and longest recession in a half-century.

Worries over Greece's ability to finance its huge debts have spread to other, weaker members of the euro zone, but these same fears are now nipping at Spain's heels. The problem is that, thanks largely to its membership in the euro, Spain lacks tried-and-true means to heal its economy.

Spain can't devalue its currency to make its exports more attractive and its sunny beach resorts cheaper because the euro's value is driven by Germany's bigger, competitive industrial economy. Madrid can't slash interest rates or print money to spur borrowing and spending, because those decisions are now made in Frankfurt by the European Central Bank.

Spain could still try to stimulate growth through tax cuts and spending increases. But it has already mounted enormous stimulus spending that swelled its budget deficit to 11.4% of GDP last year, and it would need to sell more bonds to raise fresh cash. Buyers of Spanish government bonds, spooked by the prospect of a Greek default, have already demanded higher interest rates from Madrid.

'Spain is the real test case for the euro,' says Desmond Lachman of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. 'If Spain is in deep trouble, it will be difficult to hold the euro together...and my own view is that Spain is in deep trouble.'

The government rejects talk of crisis. 'The fundamentals of our economy are solid,' Elena Salgado, Spain's economy minister, said in an interview.

Euro-zone heavyweights Germany and France have pledged to support Greece if necessary. But any bailout for Spain-whose $1.6 trillion economy is nearly double those of troubled euro-zone partners Greece, Portugal and Ireland combined-would be far costlier.

A 'shock and awe' infusion aimed at renewing faith in Spain's finances, should it be necessary, would take roughly $270 billion, according to an estimate by BNP Paribas. It estimates similar confidence-restoring moves in Greece, Ireland or Portugal would require $68 billion, $47 billion and $41 billion, respectively.

Most economists see three options for Spain.

The first is for the government to do nothing, leaving the economy to wallow through years of high unemployment and debt defaults. The second is for the government to take a more active role, slashing its spending while taking unpopular measures to boost the supply side of the economy, including overhauling a rigid labor market.

On Tuesday, Spain's top central banker strongly urged this path, calling in a speech for swift government action to reduce the budget deficit and reform the labor market.

Mr. Lachman of the American Enterprise Institute is among the pessimists who doubt the government will take this course. He thinks Spain's chronic inability to restart growth will lead it to contemplate a third option: splitting the euro zone asunder by withdrawing from the common currency. That would permit a devaluation that would, at a stroke, increase Spain's competitiveness and allow the economy to grow again.

A more mainstream view holds that no government, Spain's included, would dare to brave the financial chaos such a move would unleash.

'It's extremely costly to leave the euro,' said Jean Pisani-Ferry of Bruegel, a pro-European think tank in Brussels. The moment a government hinted at a possible devaluation, there would be a run on the banks and an effective default on every euro financial contract with that country. 'The day you start to admit that you're thinking about it, you're in a financial mess.







华盛顿美国企业研究院(American Enterprise Institute)的拉克曼(Desmond Lachman)说,西班牙是真正考验欧元的案例。如果西班牙深陷麻烦,欧元将难以坚持,我本人的看法是西班牙已经深陷麻烦了。

西班牙政府拒绝谈论危机。西班牙财长萨尔加多(Elena Salgado)在接受采访时说,我们的经济基本面是坚实的。


据法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)估计,必要时候将采取的旨在重振对西班牙财务状况信心的大规模注资将需要约2,700亿美元。该行估计,为重振对希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙的信心而进行的注资则分别需要680亿美元、470亿美元和410亿美元。






布鲁塞尔亲欧洲的智库Bruegel的皮萨尼-费瑞(Jean Pisani-Ferry)说,退出欧元区代价将非常高。一个国家的政府暗示可能贬值货币的那一刻,就会出现银行挤兑,与那个国家签订的任何欧元金融合约实际上都会违约。你开始承认自己在考虑退出欧元区的那一天,就已经陷入了金融困境。


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