






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-7 08:19| 查看数: 825| 评论数: 1|

As an aluminium smelter belches pollution into the brown sky over Huangjiawa, a villager who used to till the land where the smelter now sits recalls a time when things were different. “Ten years ago the water in our rivers was so clean, even cleaner than the piped water is today,” says Mr Zhang, who declined to give his full name.


Today the area has one of the highest rates of stomach cancer in the world, and the wells that sustained the village for centuries have been poisoned.


But unlike other victims of pollution across China, the village of Huangjiawa has shot to prominence as an online media campaign highlighting its plight has sparked a debate about groundwater contamination that has ricocheted all the way to Beijing. For Xi Jinping, China’s new leader who will be named head of state next week, growing public anger over environmental deterioration is set to be a key test of his leadership.


Chinese citizens are turning online to vent their anger over pollution – and the government has been forced to respond. When smog blanketed northeastern China in January, the public knew about it instantly because of the pollution apps that many have on their smartphones, and the government in Beijing rolled out new anti-pollution measures within days.


The debate over groundwater pollution in Weifang prefecture, where Huangjiawa village is, was sparked by a post on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblog service. It went viral, and recently the issue of water pollution has been raised on primetime television and elicited an admission of the existence of hitherto hushed-up “cancer villages” from the government. In the post, activist Deng Fei accused aluminium smelters in Weifang of illegally pumping wastewater underground into pressurised wells. The issue struck a chord with Mr Deng’s 3m followers.


More than 70 per cent of China’s groundwater is polluted, which scientists say has resulted in higher rates of cancer and other illnesses.


During the lunar new year, dozens of Mr Deng’s followers posted images of polluted rivers in their hometowns when they returned home for the holidays.


“With Weibo, any person can be a reporter,” says Mr Deng, a reporter-turned-activist who is well-known for founding a charity that provides free lunches for poor children. “Before Weibo, information was monopolised by mainstream and official media, and there weren’t many channels to express different voices.”


Mr Deng and others are at the forefront of an environmental movement that has become more powerful as local governments respond to what is said online.


Last month, a Chinese entrepreneur used Weibo to offer a reward of Rmb200,000 ($32,000) if the top environmental official in Rui’an, in Zhejiang province, swam in a polluted river. A week later, China’s national broadcaster featured an interview with the squirming official, who promised to swim in the river within three to five years.


In Weifang prefecture the government was quick to respond to Mr Deng’s Weibo post. The city’s propaganda department asked the local environmental protection bureau to investigate.


The environmental bur-eau checked more than 700 factories in the county – and within days issued a statement saying that none was pumping wastewater underground. The bureau set up a hotline for tips on environmental violators, promising a reward of Rmb100,000 to anyone who could find the allegedly polluting deep wells.


“The reason we offered the prize is that we need the power of all the people, not only the government and the media, to solve this problem,” said an official at the environmental bureau in Weifang, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


The Weibo storm was also noticed in Beijing, where the ministry of environment issued a statement specifically responding to comments made on Weibo.


Scientists say the contamination of underground streams and aquifers is becoming a health crisis. “What harm is caused by groundwater pollution? High rates of illness,” says Zhao Zhangyuan, an expert on water pollution at the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences. “Groundwater pollution has already entered a state of extreme crisis.”


Groundwater pollution is also linked to soil pollution and tainted crops, because farmers often use polluted wells to water their fields.


In the smoggy countryside where Mr Zhang lives, farmers grow crops and use water drawn from wells near petrochemical plants and paper mills that discharge effluent.


China’s soil pollution levels are considered a “state secret”, and Beijing has refused to disclose the results of an investigation into soil contamination.


Despite the severity of water pollution, activists say social media could gradually make a difference.


Back in Huangjiawa, Mr Zhang says he has heard of Weibo and thinks it is a useful tool. “As a citizen, no one can stop our right to speak out,” he says. But some online activists pay a high price. Last weekend an environmental campaigner was badly beaten after posting about water pollution in Zhejiang province.



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