






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-7 08:27| 查看数: 1948| 评论数: 0|

China’s premier, Wen Jiabao, bowed out from public life yesterday after delivering his tenth and final annual “state of the union” address and announcing an economic growth target this year of 7.5 per cent.


Mr Wen warned that, in contrast to most of his time in office, this year’s growth target of 7.5 per cent was a “goal we will have to work hard to attain”. Unlike previous years, when growth exceeded the official figure by a wide margin, the economy expanded by just 7.8 per cent last year, its slowest annual pace in 13 years.


If the economy were to grow by exactly 7.5 per cent this year, it would be the worst performance since 1990. It would, however, also no longer be a problem for the man who likes to be called “Grandpa Wen”.


After the National People’s Congress wraps up on March 17, Mr Wen will disappear into the obscurity and secrecy that surrounds most retired Communist leaders.


Mr Wen appeared emotional as he bowed three times to the assembled delegates and once to his colleagues on the stage behind him in the Great Hall of the People.


“He’s a tragic figure who will be remembered for trying as best he could to preserve the seeds of political reform and liberalisation, at least on a rhetorical level,” said Willy Lam, a Chinese politics expert in Hong Kong. “He didn’t have the power to do much about it and he even failed to set an example of being an honest official; failed to stop his children and cronies from using their political connections to make a big killing in the market.”

“他是一个悲剧性的人物,他将作为一个尽己所能、保护政治改革和自由化种子(至少是在言论层面)的人留在世人的记忆中,”研究中国政治的香港专家林和立(Willy Lam)表示。“他没有权力在这些方面做很多实际的事,甚至未能树立一个诚实官员的榜样;他未能阻止他的孩子和亲信利用其政治人脉在市场上大捞一把。“

Mr Wen’s supporters are adamant the premier is a democrat at heart and that he is talking about free and fair elections for China when he says the “trend towards democracy cannot be held back by any force”. His critics, however, revile him as a cynic whose man-of-the-people persona is cover for the billions of dollars amassed by his wife and children.


A detailed report on the Wen family’s shareholdings published in the New York Times late last year suggested the premier’s relatives had earned billions as a result of their proximity to power. The report undermined Mr Wen’s credibility in the closing stages of a decade-long tenure that many already regarded as ineffectual. “His achievements [as premier] are negligible when it comes to political or economic reform and his loud cries for democracy have no significance whatsoever,” said Mo Zhixu, a prominent Chinese columnist and former student activist during the 1989 Tiananmen uprising.

去年秋天,《纽约时报》(New York Times)发表有关温家宝家人持股情况的详尽报道,暗示总理的亲属利用自己近水楼台的地位大举敛财。这篇报道在温家宝10年任期接近尾声之际削弱了他的可信度。此前已有很多人认为,温家宝任内建树不多。“就政治或经济改革而言,他(作为总理)的成就微乎其微,而他大声发出的民主呼吁毫无份量,”中国知名专栏作者、1989年天安门广场抗议期间曾是学生活动家的莫之许表示。

As he gave his final address, Mr Wen seemed to have abandoned his former bold demands. “We should govern the country on the basis of the law and fully respect the authority of the Constitution and laws,” he said, implying that this was not current practice.


To his detractors, this was more of the same from “China’s best actor”. Others suggested Mr Wen would be treated more kindly by history. “I think he really wanted to implement political reforms but he just was not able to overcome opposition within the system,” said He Weifang, a law professor at Peking University and advocate of judicial reform. “In the end lip service is still an important service.”

在他的批评者看来,这是“中国影帝”的又一场表演。其他人则提出,历史将对温家宝作出更为正面的评判。“我认为他真心想要推行政治改革,但他就是无法克服体制内部的反对,”北京大学(Peking University)法学教授、司法改革倡导者贺卫方表示。“即使是口惠,仍然也是很重要的。”


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