






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-3-8 09:27| 查看数: 815| 评论数: 0|


When partners were asked whether they had read their spouses emails, eight per cent of men and 14 per cent of women said they had.

A fifth of spouses admit checking their partner's emails or text messages, according to a new study.

The report also found that in a fifth of relationships, at least one partner had checked their spouse's browser history on the computer.

Entitled "Netiquettewithin married couples", the study involved an analysis of data from nearly 1,000 UK couples by researchers from the London School of Economics, the University of Oxford and Nottingham Trent University.

Ellen Helsper, who led the study, said: "Our findings showed that there are surprisingly high levels of surveillance.

"One of the surprising findings was that surveillance was undertaken more often by wives than husbands.

"This contrasts with research that suggests that women are less technologically skilled than men. It seems that they are able to overcome these barriers when they feel their relationship is at stake.''

The researchers, who reported their findings in the journal, Computers in Human Behavior this week, analysed replies given to a series of questions about internet use.

When partners were asked whether they had read their spouses' emails, eight per cent of men and 14 per cent of women said they had. In a further ten per cent of cases, both had done so.

Asked the same question in relation to text messages, seven per cent of men and 13 per cent of women said they had. Again, in a further ten per cent of cases, both said they had done so.

This equates to around a fifth of spouses admitting to checking emails or text messages.

One in 10 women and six per cent of men had check the browser history of their partners. In a further four per cent of relationships, both said they had.

One per cent of both men and women had used monitoring software, and one per cent had posed as someone else to contact their partner.

Ms Helsper added: "It is clear that internet users do not shy from taking action when they think their partner might be undertaking activities that they are not comfortable with.

"Whatever the reason for the monitoring, partner surveillance was wider spread than we initially assumed, with one out of every three couples having at least one partner who monitored the other partner's behaviour using some kind of technological tool."

The average age of those taking part was 49 and the couples had been married for an average 19 years with 1.6 children.





研究负责人艾伦 黑尔斯柏说:“我们的分析结果表明,夫妻之间互相监视的程度高得惊人。”













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