





贝克汉姆任中超推广大使 耐克有言在先

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-11 08:19| 查看数: 1103| 评论数: 0|

Soccer mega-star David Beckham's deal to become an international ambassador for the Chinese Soccer Super League is causing tension between the league and Nike, one of its biggest sponsors.

Beckham plans to travel to China later this year to raise interest in the league and the game. But after learning about the Chinese league's deal with Beckham, a high-profile representative of Nike-rival adidas, Nike executives in China on February 25 warned them in writing to honor their exclusive footwear and apparel deal with the Oregon-based giant.

In the letter, which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Nike stated it would require the CSL 'and all stakeholders (including Beckham) to abide by' their agreement's rules for any CSL-related public occasions. No appearance of a Nike competing brand trademark or emblem. No derogation or defamation of Nike company, Nike brand or Nike products. No promotion or praise to Nike competing brand or product.

Beckham's schedule in China of meetings, photo-ops, and dinners won't likely offer many soccer-playing opportunities. But he will likely hold a few clinics with Chinese children, in which case, Beckham will undoubtedly be wearing his adidas.

Nike officials didn't return messages seeking comment. Sports conglomerate IMG, which has a joint venture and represents the business interests of China's soccer league, declined to comment.

A spokesman for Beckham said, 'David has a long standing and successful relationship with adidas. As far as we're concerned there are no issues on our side and David is looking forward to promoting the game he is passionate about in China.'

In other words, Beckham essentially wears what he wants to wear. Beckham has signed a series of long-term deals with adidas that have already netted him tens of millions. However, when he plays on a team sponsored by Nike, such as his current club, Paris Saint-Germain, he does don the kit with the ubiquitous swoosh.

超级足球明星贝克汉姆(David Beckham)同中国足球超级联赛(Chinese Soccer Super League)签约,同意成为中超联赛的国际形象大使。此事导致中超联赛与其最大赞助商之一的耐克公司关系紧张。

Panoramic/Zuma Press贝克汉姆贝克汉姆计划在今年晚些时候前往中国,以提高外界对中超联赛和中国足球的兴趣。但在得知中超联赛和贝克汉姆的这一协定之后,耐克中国区高管在2月25日向中超联赛发出书面警告,要求他们履行同总部设在美国俄勒冈州的耐克公司签订的鞋类和服装独家赞助协议。贝克汉姆是耐克公司的竞争对手阿迪达斯的知名代言人。







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