






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-11 09:19| 查看数: 739| 评论数: 0|

Hong Kong's hub is shifting.

For years, the epicenter of the city has been Central, where gleaming skyscrapers and luxury-goods stores mix with squealing double-decker trolleys and steep alleys packed with cobblers and dim sum shops.

But increasingly, companies in this tightly packed district and surrounding area have started to spread out. The city is looking across Victoria Harbor to Kowloon, the peninsula at the tip of mainland China, at two emerging business districts that already have attracted some big names in finance.

The problem for Central is that the amount of top-quality office space has remained constant at about 23 million square feet for a decade, according to CBRE Group Inc., much less than the size of Midtown Manhattan and London's West End, Meantime, rents have quadrupled in that time, making Hong Kong office space among the most expensive in the world─although rents have declined recently.

One of the main reasons for the atrophy in Hong Kong's commercial real estate is that many buildings in Central are owned by several owners on a floor-by-floor, or even unit-by-unit, basis.

That makes it difficult for developers to replace the hundreds of tall, narrow buildings that give Hong Kong its distinctive pins-and-needles skyline. In cities such as London and New York, as these types of buildings have grown obsolete, they are replaced with towers offering the larger floor space that major corporations prefer.

In other cities, 'there'd be swaths of redevelopment, but not Hong Kong,' said Ed Farrelly, Hong Kong research director for CBRE.

That is making Kowloon an appealing alternative.

The 118-story International Commerce Centre in the business district on the west end of Kowloon peninsula already is home to Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse Group AG and Deutsche Bank AG, and more development is planned in the area.

Meantime, the government also has ambitious plans for Kowloon East, a gritty industrial neighborhood that includes the former Kai Tak airport. The amount of top-tier office space in this area has doubled to 8.9 million square feet in the past seven years, while a number of shipping and insurance companies, including Manulife Hong Kong, have relocated there.

But these two business districts are still in embryo and will take years to develop, particularly because adequate transportation links have yet to be built in Kowloon East, which is expected to supply most of the future office space. The delay will leave Hong Kong short nine million square feet of top-quality office space by 2020, CBRE estimates.

That demand increasingly is coming from mainland Chinese companies, said Sherman Sit, commercial sales and leasing director at Knight Frank. Last year, for example, Agricultural Bank of China 601288.SH +4.21% bought a 28-story building in Central for $629 million.

The migration across the harbor to Kowloon has been picking up steam since the financial crisis in 2008. Overall, big banks have dumped 500,000 square feet of space, mostly in Hong Kong Central, according to Cushman & Wakefield, helping push down rents there by 11% in 2012.

'There used to be a psychological barrier, when everything used to be about Central,' said Jonas Kan, a property analyst at Daiwa Capital Markets. 'The barrier has been broken.'

The International Commerce Center, which sits on reclaimed land, was finished in 2010. The area is slated for further development, including the construction of a high-speed rail link, scheduled for completion in 2015, to the mainland Chinese city of Guangzhou and beyond. The city also is building a $2.8 billion cultural hub there.

The old airport in Kowloon East was known for its harrowing approach, where planes passed so close to buildings that passengers could see laundry hanging, and pilots had to make a hard right turn just before landing. It was moved in 1998, and the city has been trying to spruce up a rare piece of open land ever since.

Back-office operations of several banks have relocated to the area. The city is funding street festivals, setting up an open-air concert venue under an elevated expressway, developing a waterfront promenade and planting thousands of bushes. A subway link to Central is scheduled to open in 2018.

Even though companies have come to terms with a move across the harbor, not every employee have been pleased. Most finance executives live on Hong Kong Island, many with just a short ride to Central. Singaporean Joy Kwek was an analyst at Morgan Stanley in 2007 when employees learned the company was moving to West Kowloon. She quit that job for one at Credit Suisse, only to find out that the Swiss bank was moving just upstairs from Morgan Stanley.

Ms. Kwek moved, too, much to the dismay of friends. 'They said it was suicide, social suicide,' said Chris Jackson, her husband, who works for a hedge fund in Central.

The couple, who have one child and another on the way, now say they love their neighborhood, just a few minutes' walk from Ms. Kwek's office, which they call more 'stroller-friendly' than the steep inclines of Mid-Levels, an upscale neighborhood adjacent to Central. And, they note, Central is only a 15-minute subway ride away.

But even as Hong Kong pushes forward to cultivate new districts, said Gavin Morgan, international director at Jones Lang LaSalle, the city shouldn't forget its strength─the sheer, unrivaled compactness of the place. Unlike London or Beijing, where it is possible to have four meetings in a day, he said, in Hong Kong, you can have as many as seven.

'Businesses love Hong Kong because it's incredibly efficient,' said Mr. Morgan. 'Most everywhere else in the world sprawls, but Hong Kong rises. There's nowhere else like it.'




Jerome Favre/Bloomberg图片:九龙──香港新中环中环的问题在于,据世邦魏理仕(CBRE Group Inc.)的数据显示,10年来高端写字楼面积一直稳定地保持在约2,300万平方英尺(约214万平方米),比曼哈顿中城和伦敦西区都要少很多。与此同时,10年中租金上涨了三倍,从而使香港写字楼进入世界上最贵之列──不过租金最近有所回落。



世邦魏理仕的香港研究主管范伟年(Ed Farrelly)说,在其他城市会有大面积的重新开发项目,但香港却没有。


位于九龙半岛西端商务区的118层环球贸易广场(International Commerce Centre)已经是摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、瑞信集团(Credit Suisse Group AG)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank AG)的办公地,这一地区还有更多开发项目正在规划中。

同时,政府对东九龙也有规模宏大的计划,这是一片多沙的工业区,曾经的启德机场就坐落于此。过去七年,这一地区的顶级写字楼面积增加了一倍,达到890万平方英尺(约合82.7万平方米),众多船运和保险公司都迁到了这里,其中包括宏利香港(Manulife Hong Kong)。


莱坊(Knight Frank)的商业销售和租赁主管西特(Sherman Sit)说,需求越来越多地来自中国内地公司。举例来说,中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)以6.29亿美元买下了中环一幢28层建筑。

自2008年金融危机以来,公司跨越维多利亚湾迁至九龙的趋势一直在升温。据高纬环球(Cushman & Wakefield)的数据显示,大型银行共空出了500,000平方英尺(约合4.6万平方米)的办公面积,大部分是在香港中环。受此推动,2012年香港中环租金降了11%。

大和资本市场(Daiwa Capital Markets)房地产分析师Jonas Kan说,过去曾有一种心理障碍,当时一切都是围着中环转。如今这种心理障碍已被打破了。




尽管公司接受了搬至维多利亚港另一侧的九龙这一事实,但并非每个员工都感到满意。大部分金融高管住在香港岛,很多距离中环很近。2007年,新加坡人Joy Kwek在摩根士丹利担任分析师,当时员工们得知公司将搬到西九龙。她辞了职,跳槽到瑞信,却发现这家瑞士银行将搬到摩根士丹利的楼上。

令朋友们伤心的是,Kwek也随公司搬走了。她的丈夫杰克逊(Chris Jackson)说,他们说这无异于自杀,社交上的自杀。杰克逊在中环的一只对冲基金工作。


但仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)的国际业务主管莫家文(Gavin Morgan)说,在香港推进新区的建设之际,香港不应忘记自己的优势──无与伦比的紧凑空间。他说,与一天可能举行四场会议的伦敦或北京不同的是,在香港,每天最多可能举行七场会议。



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