






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-12 08:30| 查看数: 975| 评论数: 0|

China plans to merge its maritime patrol units into a unified coast guard, a move that could influence the way Beijing handles territorial disputes with its neighbours, writes Kathrin Hille in Beijing.


The restructuring is part of a broader shake-up of government institutions under way, which aims to improve administrative efficiency and address governance problems.


As well as the creation of a unified bureaucracy to police China’s near seas, the ruling Communist party will also abolish the scandal-ridden railway ministry.


China’s government apparatus has already undergone six rounds of restructuring since the party launched market reforms in 1978, but many bodies have yet to make the transition from industry fiefdoms to a separation of investment and regulatory powers.


“The current administrative system is unfit to deal with the new situation and the new tasks in many ways,” said Ma Kai, secretary of the State Council, who presented the reform draft to the National People’s Congress, the rubber stamp parliament, yesterday.


“Too often [the government] messes with things that it shouldn’t interfere with. On the other hand it fails to properly deal with issues that need regulation.”


Mr Ma said the reforms also targeted infighting between agencies with rival regulatory responsibilities and corruption.


The maritime policing restructuring will see numerous departments – surveillance, fisheries, anti-smuggling, border control – merged into a new “China maritime police”.


Experts have long lobbied for an end to the separation of maritime policing responsibilities between different forces.


While hawkish military experts hope the move will lead to a stronger stance in safeguarding China’s territorial claims, some foreign policy experts hope it could help reduce tensions because rival agencies would no longer feel compelled to compete for public attention and funds by challenging ships from neighbouring countries at sea.


The planned changes come as Chinese maritime surveillance ships are engaged in a stand-off with Japan’s coast guard over the Senkaku or Diaoyu islands, an archipelago controlled by Tokyo but also claimed by Beijing.


Under the rail reforms, the railway ministry will be broken up into a policy and regulatory unit and a state-owned enterprise in charge of operating the railway network.


The break-up marks the end of what used to be a separate empire within the Chinese state. A deadly crash of two high-speed trains in July 2011, and the removal of Liu Zhijun, then railway minister, in early 2011 for alleged corruption may have prompted the changes.



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