






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-14 09:01| 查看数: 688| 评论数: 1|

The EU will look at whether it needs to keep setting the legally binding targets that have made it a world leader in tackling greenhouse gas pollution, a draft paper on the bloc’s future climate and energy policies shows.


The EU’s 27 members were among the first to impose mandatory targets for cutting the gas emissions that scientists say are likely to warm the planet to potentially dangerous levels in coming decades.


EU leaders agreed more than five years ago to reduce those emissions by 20 per cent from 1990 levels by 2020, and boost the share of renewable energy by 20 per cent in the same period.


The bloc is on track to meet both targets, in contrast to a third, non-compulsory 2020 goal to improve energy efficiency by 20 per cent from projections made in 2007. As Brussels starts working on a new set of goals up to 2030, the European Commission has produced a draft policy paper to start the debate about what sorts of targets should be set, and whether they need to be legally binding.

欧盟有望实现这两个目标,而第三个、非强制性的目标,即到2020年将能源效率提高20%(从2007年作出的预测),则与此形成反差。随着欧盟开始制定2030年的新一轮目标,欧盟委员会(European Commission)已经拟定了一份政策文件,就应当设置什么样的目标,以及这些目标是否需要具有法律约束力展开辩论。

The paper, seen by the Financial Times, says the economic crisis and the budgetary problems of some EU countries are among “important changes” that have happened since the 2020 targets were finalised.

英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)看到了这份文件,文件指出,经济危机和欧盟一些国家的预算问题是2020年目标敲定以来发生的“重要变化”。

Brussels officials believe binding targets are likely to be renewed for emissions and renewable energy policies, though possibly not for energy efficiency. This will be a disappointment for energy campaign groups.



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