






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-18 11:00| 查看数: 787| 评论数: 0|

North Korea is accusing the United States of launching cyber attacks against it, after several of Pyongyang's state-controlled websites suffered apparent outages this week. 朝鲜指责美国对其发动网络攻击,此前平壤政府控制的几个网站本星期看来出现停运现象。

The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on Friday blamed the U.S. and its allies for what it called "concentrated and persistent virus attacks" over the past several days. 朝鲜官方的朝中社星期五指责美国及其盟友近日来进行“密集而持续”的网络攻击。

Internet users say several state-controlled websites, including KCNA, have been inaccessible for unusually prolonged periods this week. The U.S. has not responded to the accusation. 互联网用户说,包括朝中社在内的几个政府控制的网站本星期不同寻常地长时间不能登陆。美国没有对朝鲜方面的指责做出回应。

The North Korean article offered few details, but attempted to link the alleged cyber attack to a computer-based joint U.S.-South Korean war simulation that began earlier this week. 朝鲜的有关文章几乎没有提供任何细节,但试图将据称的网络攻击同美韩两国本星期早些时候开始的联合模拟战演习联系起来。这一演习是依靠电脑进行的。

Last week, North Korea threatened to wage a "preemptive nuclear attack" on the U.S. if it went ahead with the annual exercise, which proceeded as normal on Monday. 朝鲜上星期威胁说,如果美国与韩国进行年度军事演习,朝鲜就将对美国发动先发制人的核打击。美韩联合军演于星期一正常启动。


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