






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-20 12:00| 查看数: 871| 评论数: 0|

China's new Premier Li Keqiang gave the highest-level denial yet to U.S. accusations that the country supports cyberattacks, an issue that in recent months has become a key sticking point in Sino-U.S. relations. 中国新任国务院总理李克强否认美国关于中国支持网络攻击的指控,这是到目前为止否认这一指控的最高级别中国领导人。这个问题在近几个月来已成为影响中美关系的关键因素。

Speaking to Chinese and foreign reporters Sunday in his first news conference since his formal appointment as premier Friday, Mr. Li declared hacking and cyberattacks 'a world-wide problem' and reiterated Beijing's stance that the country is a victim rather than an instigator. 上周五被正式任命为总理后,李克强在周日首次主持召开了中外记者会。他在记者会上说:黑客攻击是“世界性的问题”,并且重申了北京的立场,即中国是受害者,而不是煽动者。

'China itself is a main target of such attacks,' Mr. Li said, adding, 'I think we shouldn't make groundless accusations against each other, and spend more time doing practical things that will contribute to cybersecurity.' 李克强说:中国本身就是主要的被黑客攻击的受害者。他说:我想我们还是少一些没有根据的相互指责,多做一些维护网络安全的实事。

Mr. Li was speaking at the premier's traditional news conference at the end of the annual meeting of China's National People's Congress. 中国全国人民代表大会年度会议最后,总理通常都要举行记者会。李克强就是在记者会上说出上面这番话的。

The denial comes just days after the White House said that President Barack Obama raised the issue of cybersecurity in his call to congratulate new Chinese President Xi Jinping. Although Mr. Li's comments reiterate Beijing's earlier denials, they also echoed those of Mr. Obama, whom the White House said sought to cast cybersecurity as a 'shared challenge.' 就在李克强否认美国有关指控数天前,白宫说,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)打电话祝贺习近平当选中国国家主席时提到了网络安全问题。虽然李克强的讲话重申了北京之前对该问题的否认,但同时也与奥巴马的观点相呼应。白宫说,奥巴马寻求让各方认同网络安全是一个共同面临的挑战。

In recent months, the issue of cybersecurity has become a major irritant to Sino-U.S. relations, with both sides making strong accusations against the other. 这几个月来,网络安全问题已成为影响中美关系的主要因素,两国均对彼此进行了强烈指责。

Last week, U.S. national security adviser Thomas Donilon called on China to cease support of hacking targeted at stealing U.S. companies' intellectual property, and called for the two sides to work together to bolster global cybersecurity standards. 上周,美国国家安全顾问多尼隆(Thomas Donilon)呼吁中国停止支持那些旨在盗窃美国企业知识产权的黑客行动,并且呼吁双方共同合作,推进全球网络安全标准。

Earlier this month, Yang Jiechi, then China's foreign minister and now the newly appointed state councilor, called for global rules on cybersecurity. He insisted that cyberspace shouldn't become a 'global battlefield.' 本月早些时候,时任中国外交部长、现为国务委员的杨洁篪呼吁制定有关网络安全的国际规则。他坚持认为,网络空间不应成为全球的一个战场。

U.S. military and homeland-security officials have long blamed China's military for the most serious attacks on U.S. computer networks. 美国军事和国土安全官员一直认为,美国计算机网络受到的最严重攻击都是中国军队所为。

In 2011, a U.S. intelligence report said Chinese hackers are the 'most active and persistent perpetrators of economic espionage.' Senior intelligence officials said China's government and sympathetic hackers are behind the cyberspying. 2011年的一份美国情报说,中国黑客是经济间谍活动最活跃也最顽固的实施者。美国高级情报官员说,中国政府与支持政府的黑客是网络间谍活动的幕后主使。

Foreign media organizations, including The Wall Street Journal, have said their computer systems have been infiltrated by Chinese hackers believed to have links to the government. 包括《华尔街日报》在内的外国媒体组织曾说,它们的计算机系统受到据信与中国政府有关的中国黑客的入侵。


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