





Farewell,Libraries? 图书馆,再见?

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-3-22 13:17| 查看数: 1638| 评论数: 0|

Amazon.com' recent announcement that sales of e-books at the online megastore had overtaken sales of hardcover books came as no surprise . It had to happen sometime . But the news did conjure quite an interesting mental image : libraries that from now on will look smaller an less crowded . The habits of readers may not change . But their enviroments will . Theoretically , your space will be more spare , more serenely uncluttered . That's the theory, at least.My experience is that stuff expands to fill the space available. But you can dream.


All of this has already happened big time in the music business, where downloads have gradually but surely replaced CDs. All those CDs taking up space on the wall —gone .All those CDs that travel from car to kitchen to bedroom to living room ,with the CD and the case getting separated somewhere along the way —a problem no more in the digital age . From now on , we'll own what might be described as the idea of stuff, since the actual physical things —records, tapes, photographs, CDs, and now books —have been as good as vaporized , with the information contained therein stored away on hard drive.


This ,of course ,is merely collateral damage in the digital revolution, if ddamage it is . There's as yet no way to tell if this transition is good ,bad ,both ,or neither, butsurely the absence of a physical library maks a fundamantal shift in the way we lived and think about things . In music ,foe example ,the rise of iTunes ,Pandora ,YouTube ,and all the other online music purveyors has quickly eroded our devotion to the long—playing albums as the principal means of organizing music . After a half century of neglect, the lowly single is back on top .Most immediately this has repercussions for artists, maybe not so much for the people who buy their music . But who knows?

这一切当然只是数字革命的“附带损害”。如果确实称的伤是损害的话。目前还没办法确定这种转变是好是坏,还是即好又坏或不好不坏,但有形图书馆的消失标志着我们生活方式和我们的思考方式方式发生根本改变。以音乐为例:我们曾经忠实的把长时间播放的专辑作为组织音乐的主要方式,但iTunes 、潘多拉、YouTube和各种其他在线音乐的发展迅速打破这一点。被忽略了半个世纪后,卑微的单曲重新占据优势。这对艺人的影响最直接,对买他们音乐的人或许没太大关系,但谁知道呢?

With books ,the absence of packaging does nothing to contents . I can buy a hardcover copy of Moby—Dick or download it into an e-reader, and Melville is still Melville . But I grew up loving Rockwell Kent's illustrations of that novel, and later Barry Moser's .It's hard to think of the book without them. I can do that ,centainly ,but some little is lost.


I come from a generation for whom the books and records on the shelf signaled ,in some way ,who you were . If you visited a friend , you took the first chance you had to surrepititiously scan that friend's Kindle, but is that the same ? And try that kind of snooping on a bus or in a coffee shop and you'll probably get arrested.


The stuff of our lives is a comfort . We look up at the shelves and we see old friends.(Yes, there are books on my shelves that aren't my friends, that I haven't finished or even started,but someday I will , I promise—my home library is a physical manifestation of ambivalence. ) There ia comfort in the continuity of seeing the same books year after year . I guess there might be some of the same pleasure in scrolling through a digital library or music playlist, but somehow I think something will be lost.



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