





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】物理1

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-3-24 12:00| 查看数: 667| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】物理1

compatible boundary boundless endless cohesive horizontal bulk brim edge rim brink constituent dimension elasticity cohesion mechanics pressure gravity impetus release decelerate precipitate expedite quiver jar vibration discharge shrink diffuse emit transpire constitute eject radiate molecule ion electron neutron nucleus proton atom nuclear physics fusion thermometer temperature thaw centigrade clot sublimate distillation

compatible 兼容的 harmonious,congruous Is this software compatible with my computer? "boundary 边界 border, limit" A fence marked the boundary of the woods. "boundless 无限的 vast, limitless" endless 无止境的 everlasting The long and boring drive seemed endless. cohesive 有凝聚力的 horizontal 水平的 bulk 容积 The bulk of this oil tank is about 500 tons. "brim (杯,碗的)边 margin, edge, rim" A bird perched on the brim of the flowerpot. "edge 边 rim, margin" John is at the edge of death. rim 边缘 edge, border The horse finally came to a halt(停止) on the very rim of the cliff. "brink 边缘 margin, edge, rim" A fence was built along the brink of the cliff to prevent accidents. constituent 成分 component "dimension 尺度 (数)维 size, proportion" He drew a house in three-dimension. elasticity 弹性 cohesion 附着力 结合 凝聚力 "Since Bob's paper had no cohesion and merely listed facts, he received a failing grade." mechanics 力学 pressure 压力 He feels the pressure soon after he takes up the job. gravity 引力 "impetus 推动力 urge, momentum" His longing for another kind of life is a major impetus for his hard working. "release 释放 give off, discharge, dismiss, emit" Thousands of balloons were released at the opening ceremony. decelerate (使)减速 decrease the speed of (accelerate加速) Many countries are seeking measures to decelerate the arms buildup. precipitate 向下投掷 The finest bridge of the city broke and precipitated five travelers into the river below. "expedite 加速 speed up, hasten" The person I talked to on the phone promised to expedite the shipment(加速发货) of the book I ordered. "quiver 振动 颤抖 shiver, tremble" The dog quivered in the rain. jar 震动 Her announcement really jarred me. I was shocked! vibration 震动 "discharge 释放 let out, release, liberate" The patient was discharged from the hospital after complete recovery. "shrink 收缩 contract, compress, dwindle" "Because my shirt had shrunk, I gave it to my younger cousin." "diffuse 传播 扩散 scatter, spread" The winds diffused the smoke throught the neighborhood. "emit 发出 放射 discharge, give off" All the cars that emit poisonous gas have been called back. "transpire 发散 排出 exhale, send out" It was transpired that the king was already dead. "constitute 构成 组成 form, compose, make up" Not telling the whole truth constitutes lying. eject 喷出 逐出 emit ejaculate The machine ejected finished parts faster than we could count them. "radiate 射出 emit, give off" Heat radiated from the stove. molecule 分子 ion 离子 electron 电子 neutron 中子 nucleus 核子 proton 质子 atom 原子 "An atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and one or more electrons." nuclear 原子的 physics 物理学 fusion 熔合 thermometer 温度计 temperature 温度 "thaw (使)溶化 融解 melt, defrost" Last week it was so warm that the frozen pond(池塘) thawed. centigrade 摄氏度 (centi百+grade度) Centigrade scale is used in most countries except the United States. "clot (使)凝块 gelatinize, congeal" Blood had begun to clot around the gaping wound. "sublimate 使升华 elevate, refine (sublime崇 高的+ate)" Water are sublimated from the gaseous to the solid state without becoming a liquid. distillation 蒸馏 Distillation is used to produce very pure water.


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