





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】政治2

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-3-24 12:30| 查看数: 712| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】政治2

entitle exploit maneuver reform inspect emigrate immigrate exile enslave hustle impel oust banish deport enable reign dominate abdicate administer administration institute amendment colonize check monarchy republican anarchism doctrine immigrant municipal strike scandal vote welfare

entitle 给...权利 Every citizen is entitled to equal protection under the law. exploit 剥削 开发 explore The company exploited the workers by falsely promising them pay raises. "maneuver 调遣vt 策略n move, step, tactic" "At the last moment, the basketball player made a clever maneuver that allowed a goal to be made." reform 改革 革新 regenerate The reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life. "inspect 检查 examine, survey 视察" The genral inspected the troops. emigrate 移民 Mary emigrated from Germany to France during World War I. immigrate 移居入境 Britain immigrated many colonists to the New World. "exile 流放 banish, deport 放逐n" The king was exiled when his expire was taken over. enslave 奴役vt The addict was enslaved by drugs. "hustle 驱赶 hurry, hasten" "To make more money, the restaurant owner hustled customers in and out quickly." "impel 驱使 compel, urge" He was impelled by a strong passion to save the diseased boy. "oust 驱逐 dismiss, throw out" He was ousted from his position as chairman. "banish 驱逐出境 exile, expel" The naughty child was banished to his room until dinner. deport 驱逐出境 放逐 "enable 使能够 make possible, allow, help" An unexpected inheritance enabled me to buy a house. "reign 统治 govern, rule" The old king has been reigning the nation for 30 years. dominate 统治 支配 控制 control The older brother dominated his younger siblings(兄弟姐妹). abdicate 放弃权利 abandon King Edward abdicated in 1936. "administer 管理 govern, supervise" The personnel director administers the attendance policy. administration 行政 management Lisa is involved in administration at the company she works for. "institute 建立 establish, set up, start" The village instituted a welfare system on their own. amendment 改善 改正 colonize 拓殖 殖民 Britain colonized many parts of Africa. "check 检查 examine, inspect" Raising interest rate is commonly used as a tool to check inflation. monarchy 君主政体 君主政治 君主国 republican 共和国的 共和政体的 共和主义的 有关共和的 anarchism 无政府主义 doctrine 主义 principle immigrant (从外国)移来的 移民的 移居的 municipal 市政的 市立的 地方性的 地方自治 的 strike 罢工 work stoppage "In France, going on strike is frequently being utilised by the union in fighting for the workers' interest, which strikes the nation's economy heavily." "scandal 丑闻 diagrace, defamation" The predident's scandal was soon publicized and exaggerated. vote 投票 选票 welfare 福利 安宁 幸福


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