






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-27 10:00| 查看数: 863| 评论数: 0|

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the seizing of power by rebels in the Central African Republic and is calling for the "swift restoration of constitutional order." 联合国秘书长潘基文谴责中非共和国反政府武装夺取政权,并敦促“尽快恢复宪法秩序”。

Seleka rebels took control of the capital, Bangui, on Sunday, forcing President Francois Bozize to flee.Witnesses reported heavy fighting in the city and said rebels had taken over the presidential palace. 星期天,塞雷卡反政府武装占领了中非共和国首都班吉,博齐泽总统被迫逃走。目击者说,班吉发生激烈战斗,反政府武装攻占了总统府。

Mr. Ban said in a statement he is deeply concerned about reports of human rights abuses and looting in Bangui, "including of United Nations property."潘基文发表声明说,他严重关切有关班吉发生侵犯人权和劫掠行为的报道,联合国的财产也受到抢劫。

He said an agreement between the government and the rebels signed in January remains the best way to ensure peace and security.That deal calls for Mr. Bozize to remain in power until his term ends in 2016, with an opposition member named prime minister. 潘基文表示,中非共和国政府与反政府武装今年1月签署的协议依然是确保和平与安全的最佳方案。该协议规定,博齐泽继续执政,直到2016年总统任期结束,同时由反对派成员担任总理。

The rebels, who began their offensive in December, accuse the president of breaking the agreement. 反政府武装于去年12月发动攻势,他们指责博齐泽违反了协议。


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