






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-28 12:30| 查看数: 676| 评论数: 0|

European policy makers sought to reassure investors on Tuesday that the €10bn bailout of Cyprus would not provide a “template” for future rescues should the eurozone crisis deepen. 欧洲政策制定者周二试图安抚投资者,称假如欧元区危机加剧,对塞浦路斯的100亿欧元纾困不会为以后的纾困提供“样板”。

Ewald Nowotny, European Central Bank governing council member, said Cyprus was a special case and the rescue plan used to bail out the country should not serve as a model for other countries in the eurozone. 欧洲央行(ECB)管理委员会成员爱华德•诺沃特尼(Ewald Nowotny)表示,塞浦路斯是一个特例,对该国的纾困计划不应成为适用于欧元区其他国家的模式。

His views were echoed by Benoît Coeuré, ECB executive board member, who said the experience of Cyprus was not a blueprint for the rest of the eurozone because the situation there reached a level that did not exist elsewhere. 他的观点得到了欧洲央行执委会成员贝努瓦•克雷(Benoît Coeuré)的呼应,后者称,塞浦路斯的经历不是欧元区其余国家的蓝本,因为该国情况的危急程度是别国不存在的。

“All countries have different problems – economic problems, problems of unemployment – but no country has the same concentration of problems as Cyprus,” Mr Coeuré told Europe 1 radio. “各国有各国的问题——经济问题、失业问题——但没有哪个国家像塞浦路斯一样问题如此集中,”克雷对法国电台欧洲一台(Europe 1)表示。

The comments followed an interview with the Financial Times and Reuters on Monday in which Jeroen Dijsselbloem, head of the eurogroup of eurozone financial ministers, said the relative market calm in recent months, coupled with the lack of market panic following the decision to force private investors and depositors to pay for the bailout of two large Cypriot banks, allowed the eurozone to go after private money more aggressively when banks failed. 就在上述言论发表之前,欧元区财长集团主席杰伦•迪塞布洛姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)周一在接受英国《金融时报》和路透社(Reuters)采访时表示,最近几个月市场的相对平静,再加上在决定迫使私人投资者和储户为塞浦路斯两家最大银行纾困买单后市场没有出现恐慌,都使欧元区可以在银行破产时以更大力度迫使私人部门买单。

“That’s an approach that I think we, now that we are out of the heat of the crisis, should consequently take,” Mr Dijsselbloem said, triggering sharp losses for European bank stocks and the euro on Monday as savers adjusted to the idea that they would be forced to contribute to bank bailouts in the future. “既然我们已度过此次危机的最严重时刻,我认为这是我们应采取的方法,”迪塞布洛姆称。他的言论导致周一欧洲银行股和欧元大幅下挫,因为储户认为他们以后将被迫为银行纾困买单。

Mr Dijsselbloem later backtracked from his earlier comments, issuing a statement on Monday night that said all bailout programmes are tailored for individual programmes and that “no models or templates” apply. 迪塞布洛姆随后收回早先的言论,他在周一晚间发表声明称,所有纾困计划均是量身定制的,“没有模式或样板”可以照搬。

“Cyprus is a specific case with exceptional challenges which required the bail-in measures we have agreed upon,” Mr Dijsselbloem said. “塞浦路斯是一个具有特殊挑战的特例,它需要我们已经商定的内部纾困措施,”迪塞布洛姆说。

The European Commission also insisted Cyprus was not a template for other eurozone countries, but said it preferred bank restructuring programmes over using taxpayers’ funds to save banks in trouble. 欧盟委员会(European Commission)也坚称,塞浦路斯不是欧元区其他国家的样板,但又称,相比使用纳税人资金纾困银行,它更青睐银行重组计划。


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