






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-3-29 08:30| 查看数: 824| 评论数: 0|

Cyprus is to become the first eurozone country to apply capital controls – with limits on credit card transactions, daily withdrawals, money transfers abroad and cashing cheques – intended to prevent a vast outflow of euros when its banks open today. 塞浦路斯将成为首个实行资本管制的欧元区国家,对信用卡交易、每日提款额度、海外汇款和兑现支票都出台限制措施,以防该国银行今日重新开门营业后出现巨额欧元外流。

Under drastic measures that some analysts say are incompatible with monetary union, depositors will be able to withdraw no more than €300 in cash each day, people familiar with the preparations said. Transfers above €5,000 will require permission of the central bank; overseas credit card transactions will be limited to €5,000 per month, but unrestricted in Cyprus; and people will be banned from taking more than €3,000 of bank notes out of the country per trip. 一些分析人士称,这些严厉规定与货币联盟是不相称的。了解资本管制筹备工作的人士表示,根据这些规定,储户每日取现不得超过300欧元。超过5000欧元的转账汇款需要获得该国央行批准;海外信用卡交易将面临每月5000欧元的上限,但在塞浦路斯境内的信用卡交易不受限制;出境人士不得携带超过3000欧元的现钞。

Cypriot banks are set to reopen this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks and stay open for six hours. Without controls, officials fear a run on deposits after Nicosia agreed to a €10bn bailout that imposes losses on big depositors – a first in the eurozone debt crisis. 今日上午,塞浦路斯各银行将在关门近两周后首次开门营业,营业时间为6小时。官员们担心,若不实行资本管制,银行将遭遇挤兑。此前塞浦路斯政府同意以迫使大储户承受损失(这是欧元区债务危机爆发以来的首次)为交换条件,接受100亿欧元纾困。

While the capital controls are designed to expire after seven days, people close to the matter said the government would continue to renew the curbs on a weekly basis for as long as necessary. “Otherwise whatever money is left in the banks will fly out of Cyprus,” said one person close to the central bank. 尽管这些资本管制措施理论上将仅持续7天,但知情人士称,政府将每周延续这些管制措施,需要持续多久就持续多久。“否则银行里剩下的钱全都会飞出塞浦路斯,”一名接近该国央行的人士表示。

Chris Pavlou, a former Barclays banker and vice-chairman of Laiki until tomorrow, insisted that capital controls were necessary, and that the government would adhere to EU requirements to uphold them for at most a couple of weeks. “You have to give the system time to get over the hangover,” he said. 巴克莱(Barclays)前银行家、明日之前仍是塞浦路斯大众银行(Laiki)副董事长的克里斯•帕夫洛(Chris Pavlou)坚称,资本管制是必要的,而政府将遵守欧盟要求,最多实施两三周的管制。他表示:“你必须给银行系统一点时间,让它醒一醒。”

The controls will need a big enforcement effort, including more checks at airports. Mr Pavlou said the interior ministry planned to have police monitoring events at bank branches across Cyprus but they would be placed discreetly. “The last thing you want is to see armed guards guarding the banks.” 这些资本管制措施将需要很大的执法努力,包括在机场设置更多检查。帕夫洛称,内政部计划让警察监视塞浦路斯各地银行分支机构的情况,但警察将部署在不引人注目的地方。“你最不希望发生的事就是看到武装警卫驻守银行。”

In Nicosia, helicopters circled over the capital as demonstrators converged on the presidential palace railing against the Troika of international lenders. 在首都尼科西亚,示威者聚集在总统府前,抗议国际贷款机构“三驾马车”(指欧盟、世界银行和国际货币基金组织——译者注),直升机则在尼科西亚上空盘旋。

Some experts believe the capital controls could be subject to legal challenge. Guntram Wolff, deputy director of Bruegel, a European think-tank, said they potentially violated articles 63 and 65 of EU treaties that state capital controls can only be “justified on grounds of public policy or public security”. 一些专家相信,这些资本管制措施可能受到法律挑战。欧洲智库——布鲁盖尔研究所(Bruegel)副所长贡特拉姆•沃尔夫(Guntram Wolff)指出,这些措施可能违反了欧盟条约第63条和第65条。按照这些条款,政府资本管制只有在“出于公共政策或公共安全考虑时才是正当的”。

“In my view this one sentence means [the new capital control measures] are not a watertight case. It may fail in courts,” Mr Wolff said. “If you really get the message out there to the market that we can do this and it’s perfectly legal, in my view it becomes very dangerous,” Mr Wolff said. 沃尔夫表示:“在我看来,这一句意味着(新出台的资本管制措施)不具有无懈可击的法理依据。它可能在法庭上遭到挫败。如果你非要向市场发出信号表示‘我们可以这么做,这么做完全合法’,那么在我看来整件事将变得极其危险。”

Both the government and Central Bank of Cyprus will be exempt from the controls. 塞浦路斯政府和该国央行都将不受资本管制的约束。


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