






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-1 09:00| 查看数: 893| 评论数: 0|

The US sent two nuclear-capable bombers on a 10,500km round trip to South Korea on Thursday in response to North Korean predictions of war, as one of the last inter-Korean telecoms links was shut down. 周四,美国出动两架可携带核弹的轰炸机飞行10500公里抵达韩国并返航,以回应朝鲜的战争预言。同时,连接朝鲜与韩国的最后几条电信线路之一已被切断。

The two B-2 aircraft flew from Missouri and dropped dummy bombs on a training range on an island off the South Korean west coast, in a signal of Washington’s commitment to “deterring aggression”, according to a military spokesman. 两架B-2轰炸机从密苏里州起飞,飞临韩国后,在该国西海岸外一个岛屿的演习靶场投下两颗假弹。美国军方发言人表示,这表明美国对“吓阻侵略行为”的承诺。

The announcement demonstrates the US’s ability to target North Korea directly from its mainland bases, and follows two separate sorties over South Korea by US B-52 bombers in the past 10 days. 宣布这次行动,展示美国有能力从本土基地直接向朝鲜发动攻击。过去10天内,美国已两次出动B-52轰炸机飞越韩国。

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been high after North Korea’s nuclear test in February and the consequent tightening of UN sanctions, and have been further fuelled as Pyongyang responds defiantly to joint exercises being carried out by US and South Korean forces. 自朝鲜2月进行核试验以及随后联合国加强制裁以来,朝鲜半岛局势高度紧张。朝鲜政府以强硬姿态回应美韩联合军演,更令局势火上浇油。

North Korea’s state media agency, KCNA, continued the pattern of recent weeks by issuing several graphic threats on Thursday, warning that “the US nuclear threats and blackmail are turning into a reality”, and that Pyongyang would respond to a nuclear attack in kind. It condemned both a military co-operation deal agreed last week by the US and South Korea, and their annual joint exercises which continue until April 30. 朝鲜官方媒体朝中社(KCNA)延续了近几周的一贯做法,周四数次发出形象的威胁,警告称“美国核威胁和核讹诈正成为现实”,而朝鲜将对核打击作出同等反击。朝中社谴责了美国与韩国上周达成的军事合作协议,以及两国将持续至4月30日的年度联合军演。

“Discerning bluster from actual North Korean intent is always difficult, but recent actions suggest greater potential for another attack on South Korean military and civilian targets,” said Bruce Klingner, an analyst at the Heritage Foundation. He cited “very specific” threats against South Korean military units based on islands off the west coast of the peninsula – one of which was the target of a North Korean artillery attack which killed four people in 2010. 美国传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)分析师布鲁斯•克林纳(Bruce Klingner)表示:“分辨朝鲜的做法是虚张声势还是真实意图一向很难,但近期行动似乎表明,朝鲜对韩国军队和平民目标再次发动攻击的可能性有所增加。”克林纳提到针对韩方驻扎在西海岸外岛上的部队的“非常具体”的威胁——2010年,朝鲜曾炮击其中一座岛屿,致4人丧生。


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