





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】政治1

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-3 09:00| 查看数: 673| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】政治1

factious partisan board Senate Congress diplomatic diplomacy confederate league affiliate unconventional dictatorial domestic potent authoritative influential centralized authority privilege democracy petition domain territory nationality kingdom realm regimen sovereignty autonomy commission committee election ballot ideology parade govern confer

factious 党派的 tribal (faction党派的adj) partisan 党派的 派系感强的 Her partisan speech angered the opposing party. board 委员会 Senate 参议院 上院 Congress (代表)大会 (US等的)国会 议会 diplomatic 外交的 有策略的 tactful She is alwats diplomatic when she dials with angry students. diplomacy 外交 策略 tact The clerk spoke with diplomacy to the angre customer. "confederate 同盟 partner, company" The gangster and his confederates were arrested. league 同盟 联盟 联合会 "affiliate 加盟 入会 associate, ally" She affiliates herself with a new law firm. unconventional 自由的 dictatorial 独裁的 专断的 tyrannical domestic 国内的 家庭的 The police called the fight between the husband and wife a domestic matter. "potent 强有力的 有全权的 cogent, powerful" His potent speech impressed all the people present. authoritative 权威性的 官方的 Make sure you ask an authoritative source for directions. influential 有影响的 有权势的 powerful centralized 集中的 中央集权的 authority 权威 The teacher gave her assistant the authority to grade papers. privilege 特权 prerogative democracy 民主 People must participate in their government if a democracy is to work. petition 请愿 向...请愿 "domain 领土 领域 field, region" territory 领土 版图 地域 nationality 国籍 kingdom 王国 realm "realm 王国 领域 field, domain" regimen 政权 sovereignty 主权 autonomy 自治权 independence (auto自己 +nomy统治) The nation's autonomy was compromised by( 被..危害) the treaty. commission 委员会 The president appointed a commission to study poverty. committee 委员会 委员 The committee planned the club's budget for next year. election 选举 How many people voted in the last election? "ballot 选票 vote, poll" ideology 意识形态 "parade 游行 procession, march" "govern 决定 支配 控制 determine, control" The evil dictator governed unfairly. confer 协商 I conferred with my friends about what we should eat for dinner.


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