





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】植物学

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-3 10:00| 查看数: 724| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】植物学

shrub laurel prairie sequoia herb plant fern orchid rosette germinate sprout timber cluster bunch bark twig bough branch stem stalk trunk leafstalk leaflet bud flower foliage petal cell tissue husk pollen root log flora botany botanical crossbreed necrosis peel photosynthesis pollinate pollination seeds shell shoot starch vitamin luxuriant

shrub 灌木丛 bush laurel 月桂树 prairie 大草原 牧场 林间小空地 sequoia 美洲杉 herb 药草 香草 plant 植物 庄稼 fern 蕨类植物 orchid 兰 兰花 淡紫色 rosette 玫瑰形饰物 圆花饰 germinate 发芽 sprout "After the seeds germinated, I transplanted them to a larger pot." sprout 萌芽 长出 bud burgeon germinate The plants sprouted from the ground a week after I planted them. timber 木材 木料 lumber wood (timbre 音色) cluster 丛 束bunch v从生 聚集concentrate A cluster of strawberries grew in the field. bunch 束 串 bark 树皮 twig 小树枝 small branch (wig 假发) Some insects will mime a twig when in danger. bough 大树枝 主枝 branch 分枝 枝 stem 茎 干 词干 stalk 茎 柄 梗 秆 trunk 干线 树干 leafstalk 叶柄 leaflet 小叶 传单 bud 芽 发芽 The trees budded in early April. flower 花 开花的植物 foliage 树叶植物 petal 花瓣 cell 单元 细胞 tissue 组织 The tissue of the body constitute the organ. "husk (果类或谷类的)外壳(通常用复数),皮" pollen 花粉 传授花粉给.. root 根 根部 log 圆木 wood timber "If you roll my log, I will roll yours. We help each other." flora 植物界 botany 植物学 Mary liked plants so much that she decided to study botany at the university. botanical 植物学的 植物性药材 crossbreed 杂种 v异种交配 培育杂种 (使)杂交 necrosis 坏疽 骨疽 peel 剥 削 剥落 Her sunburned skin began to peel. photosynthesis 光合作用 pollinate 对..授粉 Many crops require bees to pollinate them. pollination 授粉 seeds 雏形 种子形 shell 去壳 脱落 The chef(厨师) was shelling oysters shoot 发出 发芽 Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. starch 淀粉 vitamin 维他命 luxuriant 多产的


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