





【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】自然

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-3 10:30| 查看数: 997| 评论数: 0|

【TOEFL iBT词汇❤词以类记】自然

natural scenic scenery spectacle shade jungle meadow shrub lawn summit gorge puddle creek canyon spring trickle crystal limpid luxuriant

natural 自然的 scenic 风景优美的 picturesque scenery 景色 "spectacle 奇观 景象 sight, scene" shade 荫 jungle 丛林 meadow 草地 牧场 shrub 灌木 灌木丛 lawn 草地 草坪 草场 "summit 山顶 peak, top, apex" The climbers placed their country's flag at the mountain's summit. "gorge 峡谷 ravine, canyon" I stood on the edge of the cliff and threw a rock into the gorge. puddle 小水洼 creek 小湾 小溪 brook canyon 峡谷 溪谷 spring 泉水 "trickle 滴 淌vi 滴 细流n dribble, drip" The water trickled over the edge of the basin. crystal 清澈的adj 水晶 结晶n Salt crystals can be found in every home. "limpid 清澈的 transparent, clear" "luxuriant 繁茂的 lush, abundant"


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