






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-7 10:00| 查看数: 802| 评论数: 0|

Pakistani police say dozens of suspected militants attacked a power station in the country's northwest, killing seven people and leaving thousands without electricity. 巴基斯坦警方说,数十名疑似激进分子袭击了巴基斯坦西北部一座发电厂,打死七人,造成数千居民断电。

Officials say the assault took place on the outskirts of Peshawar, when about 50 militants, armed with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, stormed the plant at after midnight Tuesday. 有关官员说,这次袭击发生在白沙瓦郊区,拥有迫击炮和火箭榴弹的大约50名激进分子于星期二午夜过后冲进这座发电厂。

Police say the militants killed two people at the scene of the attack and abducted nine others. Five of those taken were later found dead in a nearby field. At least four power plant workers remain missing. 警方说,激进分子在袭击现场打死两人,并绑架九人,后来在附近地区发现其中五人已经死亡。目前至少还有四名发电厂工人下落不明。

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.Power has been restored to some of the areas left dark by the raid. 没有任何组织宣称对这次袭击负责。袭击造成断电后,一些地区已经恢复供电。

Taliban militants continue to launch frequent attacks in the semiautonomous tribal regions, despite efforts by the Pakistani military to stem them. 巴基斯坦军队采取行动遏制塔利班激进分子,但激进分子继续在半自治的部落区频繁发动袭击。

Violence has been increasing in the northwest as Pakistan prepares to hold provincial and general elections on May 11th. 在巴基斯坦准备在5月11号举行省选举和大选之际,巴基斯坦西北部地区的暴力活动增加。


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