





离婚使男人身材变好 女人体重暴增

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-4-9 13:43| 查看数: 964| 评论数: 0|

Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. But research suggests that divorce can be good for men – at least in terms of making them fitter. Women, on the other hand, are likely to become less healthy.


  The findings, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, are based on checks on 9,000 men and women, with an average age of 45, over an eight-year period. They suggest men who go through a divorce pay more attention to their bodies in a bid to try and win a new mate. Men who remain married, on the other hand, are more likely to let themselves go a bit as they no longer need to compete for a partner.

  据悉,这项研究发表在《美国流行病学杂志》(American Journal of Epidemiology)上,调查针对平均年龄45岁的9000多名中年男性以及女性,而调查很严谨,时间也很长,为期8年。报告显示,男性婚后会花更多精力在自己的身上,无论是健身还是保养,因为他们的目的很明确:就是尽快寻找到新伴侣。因为男性在结婚期间,会比较“放任自己”,因为他们根本不需要和别的“竞争者”为夺得女人的芳心而比赛,因为家里那个已经他们“吃不消”了。

  Although the divorce rate in England and Wales is falling and currently stands at its lowest rate for 29 years, the UK still has the highest divorce rate in Europe, at 11.5 divorcing people per 1,000 married people.


  Scientists recorded whether the volunteers remained single, married, got divorced or remarried. Each one underwent regular treadmill tests to measure their fitness. The results showed men who divorced saw a rise in fitness levels, while those in men who married during the study period declined. In a report on their findings, the researchers said: 'There was a significant increase in fitness levels in men who divorced but a tendency towards a decrease in the fitness of women who divorced.



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