






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-4-12 00:43| 查看数: 864| 评论数: 0|

Damien Hirst, contemporary artist in the UK has sparked controversy by using a baby's skull in the creation of his latest art work.

 英国当代艺术家达明安 赫斯特最新完成的作品中,竟然使用婴儿头颅作为艺术品的模子,引发广泛争议。

A dead infant's skull cast in platinum and studded with more than 8,000 pink and white diamonds will go on display later this month as part of an exhibition of new paintings and sculptures by Hirst. And the baby's skull on which the work was modeled is believed to be that of a newborn less than two weeks.


 Sally Russell, the founder of the parenting group Netmums, said Hirst's action is offensive to parents of the infant.

 “网上妈妈”网的创始人沙利 拉塞尔表示,赫斯特这一举动是对婴儿父母的极大冒犯。

Roger Sclare, who once provided Hirst with the first skull, said: "Infants' skulls are rare, but they do occasionally come up for sale if a museum or old teaching hospital who may have had them in their stock has a clear out. Private collectors will also sometimes trade them."


  Hirst is internationally recognized as the most influential artist in the UK. And he has made his name with controversial art works including dissected sharks and pickled sheep.



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