






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-12 11:30| 查看数: 809| 评论数: 0|

Syria tops the agenda as G8 foreign ministers gather for talks Wednesday in London. 八国集团的外交部长们星期三在伦敦举行会谈,叙利亚问题将是首要议题。

Britain and France are expected to continue their push to lift a European Union arms embargo and allow shipments of weapons to rebels opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.Some EU members worry that a flood of weapons would only worsen the Syrian crisis. 预计英国和法国将继续推动撤销欧盟的武器禁运,并允许为反对叙利亚总统阿萨德的反政府武装运送武器。一些欧盟成员国担心运送大量武器只会使叙利亚危机更加恶化。

Syrian opposition officials are also in London, and are due to hold talks on the sidelines of the meeting with some of the ministers, including British Foreign Secretary William Hague and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. 叙利亚反对派官员也抵达伦敦,预定他们将在大会之外与八国集团的几位外长进行会谈,包括英国外交大臣黑格和美国国务卿克里。

Hague says the discussion with the opposition is aimed at finding a political solution to the crisis and meeting humanitarian needs. 黑格说,与叙利亚反对派进行讨论是为了寻找以政治方式解决危机的途径以及满足人道需求。

The Group of Eight (the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia) will also consider tensions on the Korean peninsula,preventing sexual violence in war zones, cyber security, and issues involving Burma and Somalia. 包括美国、英国、德国、法国、意大利、日本、加拿大和俄罗斯的八国集团还将讨论朝鲜半岛的紧张局势、防止战争地区的性暴力、网络安全以及有关缅甸和索马里的问题。


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