





莫斯科青年玩地铁"冲浪" 冒死寻刺激

发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2013-4-15 02:43| 查看数: 699| 评论数: 0|

Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - clinging to the back of Moscow underground trains as they hurtle through darkened tunnels. It has become so common to see the youngsters - usually sporting distinctive gloves and ski goggles - leaping onto the back of underground trains that Moscowvite commuters now barely bat an eye lid.


And as they cling on for dear life with the train quickly accelerating away from the platform, they are whisked within centimetres of tunnel walls facing a near certain death should they fall. Some have even begun clambering onto roofs to literally 'surf' the trains while others prefer to wedge themselves between carriages with nothing to hold onto. Using cameras attached to their heads, the daredevils capture every twist and turn of their extreme escapade before uploading the footage to social network sites like YouTube and vkontakte - the Russian version of Facebook. The phenomenon has seen massive Internet communities develop where train-surfers share and comment on each others videos.



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