






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-19 10:00| 查看数: 974| 评论数: 0|

Chris Davis, service and technical manager at Cleankill Environmental Services, lists the skills and attributes required of his – and possibly all – customer-facing employees 害虫控制公司Cleankill Environmental Services的服务和技术经理克里斯•戴维斯(Chris Davis)列举了他手下需要面对客户的害虫控制员需要具备的技能和素质,这或许适用于所有需要面对客户的员工。

1. Organisation 1. 有条有理

Some individuals are naturally well organised; some need to learn; and some will always seem disorganised. A smart and tidy looking technician in a clean and well organised vehicle makes a huge difference on first contact with a new customer. Employees also need to organise the order in which they carry out their service visits to avoid wasting time. This takes planning and might involve asking customers to change the times of their visit. 有些人天生就很有条理;有些人条理性还有待提高;还有些人似乎永远都手忙脚乱。一名看上去干净利落的害虫控制员,坐在一辆内部干净而整洁的汽车里,这给新客户的第一印象绝对非常不同。害虫控制员还需要安排好上门服务的顺序,以免浪费时间。这是需要规划的,可能还需要与客户协商能否改变上门服务的时间。

2. Integrity 2. 正直

Generally, I agree that customers know best. But sometimes a customer asks a technician to do something that is unsafe, against company policy, or even illegal. We need employees with the strength of character to say “I’m sorry I can’t do that. But what I can do is...” A good technician will produce a positive outcome from such situations. This is not always easy: it can take a strong personality to tell an aggressive head chef that unless he cleans his kitchen, his pest problems are likely to get worse. But that is sometimes what you have to do. 通常来说,我认为客户心里最有谱。但有时候客户会让害虫控制员做一些不安全、违反公司政策、甚至违法的事情。我们需要有勇气说“对不起,我不能那样做,但我可以这样做”的员工。一名优秀的害虫控制员能够在这种情况下创造积极的结果。但这并不总是那么容易:可能只有勇敢的人,才敢于告诉一位咄咄逼人的主厨,除非他把厨房打扫干净,否则害虫问题可能会更加严重。但有时候,情况要求你必须这么做。

3. Reliability 3. 可靠

Any sevice industry employer knows that not everyone can work on their own. An employee who seems brilliant in training can falter when it comes to the real thing. One technician finished six weeks of training and arrived at his first customer’s door but could not force himself to go in on his own. He called his supervisor and resigned – six weeks of training wasted. 任何服务行业的雇主都知道,不是每个人都能独当一面。一名在培训中表现出色的员工在实际工作中可能畏畏缩缩。曾有一名害虫控制员,在完成了六周的培训之后,来到自己的第一个客户的门前,但却不敢自己走进去。于是他给上司打电话提出辞职——六周的培训就这样浪费了。

4. Diplomacy and professionalism 4. 得体、专业

When people see pest control technicians they often ask them: “Have we got mice?” But customer-facing employees need to establish politely whether that person has a right to know the answer: they might be the client’s area manager – in which case they need to know; or they might be a customer of the client – in which case the answer might embarrass the client. Staff also need to cope with extremes of emotion – for example, hysteria over the sighting of a mouse, when they need to be more counsellor than pest controller, reassuring the customer their problem can be dealt with. Customer-facing employees have to deal with the whole spectrum of life. 人们在见到害虫控制员的时候,往往会问:“我们家是不是有老鼠?”但这些面对客户的害虫控制员需要礼貌地确认,发问者是否有权知道答案。发问者可能是客户的区域经理——这种情况下,他们必须知情;抑或,他们可能是客户的顾客——在这种情况下,回答这个问题可能令客户难堪。害虫控制员还需要应对极端情绪,比如说,见到老鼠时的歇斯底里——这个时候,害虫控制员更需要做的事情是安抚情绪失控的客户(而不是继续灭除害虫),并向客户确认他们的问题可以得到解决。这些面对客户的害虫控制员需要应对生活中的各种情况。

5. Practical skills 5. 实际技能

The skills of some of the people I have worked with have, at times, left me open-mouthed in amazement. What we do is not just about putting a few baits boxes down to control pests, it is about finding out how pests get into premises, finding a safe and effective way of stopping them, and then carrying it out in a skilled and professional manner. 在与我合作过的人中,有些人的技术有时会让我惊讶万分。我们需要做的不只是放几盒饵料来诱杀害虫,还要查明害虫侵入房屋的途径、找到一种安全而有效的方式来阻断害虫的入侵,然后以一种娴熟而又专业的方式来完成阻断工作。

6. Technical knowledge 6. 技术知识

Things in the pest control industry change fast – new products, technologies, techniques, product label modifications, and changes in the law. Employees need to be able to absorb that knowledge. There are also individual customer specifications to be memorised – forgetting to date the boxes, or missing follow-up visits might damage the relationship the sales team has worked hard to develop. 害虫控制是一个日新月异的行业:新产品、新设备、新技术不断涌现,产品标签和相关法规也在不断更新。害虫控制员必须具备吸收新知识的能力。他们还需要记住一些客户的特殊需求——忘记在盒子上注明日期,或是未做回访,都可能会破坏销售团队辛辛苦苦建立的良好客户关系。

7. Ability to work safely 7. 注意安全

A technician with all of the above skills, but who is reckless with regard to health and safety and handling toxic materials, is not someone I would want in my team. I also expect them to be a safe and courteous driver – they are, after all, driving a vehicle with the company’s name on the side. 如果一名害虫控制员在上述所有方面表现良好,但不注意卫生和安全、在处理有毒材料时不够小心,那么我不会欢迎这个人进入我的团队。我还希望我手下的害虫控制员安全和文明地驾驶,因为毕竟他们要开着印有公司名称的车在外面跑。

If you think you have the skills to be a good pest control technician, there are plenty of service managers and supervisors who would like to hear from you – and I would be one of them. 如果你认为自己满足上述要求、能够成为一名优秀的害虫控制员,那么一定有很多服务经理和主管希望收到你的求职信,而我就是其中之一。


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