






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-25 09:00| 查看数: 784| 评论数: 0|

In the hours after a deadly earthquake struck this mountainous Chinese region, rescue workers scrambled to reach the scene, diving into wrecked homes looking for survivors and patching up roads. 在中国多山的芦山县发生大地震之后的几个小时内,救援人员迅速抵达现场,在房屋废墟中寻找幸存者,抢修道路。

By the second day, soldiers were distributing rice porridge in Styrofoam boxes to residents of the hardscrabble county of Lushan, with people lining up for more than 100 meters to receive food downtown in the county seat. Soldiers swept the streets clean with brooms. Military water tankers rumbled through village streets looking for thirsty residents. 第二天,解放军官兵们用塑料盒向穷困的芦山县的居民发放大米粥,在县城的中心区,人们排起100多米长的队伍领取食物。解放军官兵们用扫帚把街道清理干净。军用水车隆隆地驶过乡村的街道,为口渴的居民提供帮助。

By the third day, local residents who had moved out of their shattered homes into makeshift shelters were being set up in blue tents provided by the government. Bulldozers cleared unused city blocks to make room for sturdier temporary huts. The People's Liberation Army marched through the street in formation, shovels over their shoulders in place of rifles. 第三天,从受损房屋搬到临时住所的当地居民住进了政府提供的蓝色帐篷。推土机清理了城市中废弃的街区,为搭建更坚固的临时营房腾出空间。解放军列队在街道上行进,像平时扛着步枪那样扛着铁锹。

Criticized in the past for a slow and ineffective response to natural disasters, Beijing pushed this time to overwhelm the scene with personnel, supplies and equipment. This enhanced government effort has been buttressed by a substantial private effort by Chinese and international companies who have rushed to help fund relief efforts. 中国政府过去曾因为在自然灾害发生后缓慢和缺乏效率的响应而受到批评,这一次,中国政府努力向受灾地区输送大量人员、物资和设备。除了政府加大了行动力度之外,私营部门也做出了实质性的努力,中国企业和跨国企业都迅速为救援提供资助。

Chinese officials said about 19,000 soldiers and members of the armed police were sent to the quake-hit parts of China's southwestern Sichuan province. State media said helicopters ferried more than 17 tons of bottled water, instant noodles and other supplies to the scene as of Tuesday. 中国官员说,大约1.9万名解放军官兵和武警已经被派到中国西南部四川省地震灾区。国有媒体说,截至周二,已经通过直升飞机向灾区运送了超过17吨瓶装水、方便面和其他物资。

Chinese authorities on Tuesday raised the death toll by one, to 193. An additional 25 people remain missing and the injured totaled more than 12,200 people, suggesting deaths could continue to mount in coming days. 中国有关部门周二发布的数据显示,死亡人数又增加了一人,达到193人。另有25人失踪,受伤人数共计超过1.22万人,这意味着未来几天死亡人数可能还会继续上升。

Saturday's quake was measured by China's earthquake administration at magnitude 7.0 and by the U.S. Geological Survey at 6.6. 中国地震监测部门测量称,上周六地震的震级为7.0级,美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)测到的震级为6.6级。

Authorities in recent days talked about the 72-hour 'golden period,' which they said offered the best window for saving the lives of the injured and trapped. 'There might be some people who didn't get [supplies] in the first three days, since the government was focused on rescuing people,' said Ma Yiqiang, a local Lushan Communist Party official. He added: 'Some people misunderstood our purpose, so they thought it was the government's fault and it was unfair. I told those villagers, 'you might be short of food for two days, but we need to hurry for people who might lose their lives.' ' 有关部门最近几天提到了72小时的“黄金救援期”,他们说,黄金救援期是营救受伤和被困人员的最佳时间。中共芦山县委官员马毅强说,由于政府集中精力救人,可能有些人在头三天没有领到救灾物资。他补充说:一些人误解了我们的动机,他们认为是政府的失误,认为这不公平。我告诉这些村民,你们这两天可能只是缺少食品,但是我们需要尽快营救那些可能失去生命的人。

Many injured residents were sent to the nearby provincial capital of Chengdu, which sustained damage in a stronger 2008 earthquake that killed more than 80,000 people and revealed the depth of the region's substandard building quality and emergency response efforts. 很多受伤的居民被送往附近的四川省会成都。在2008年那场震级更高的地震中,成都遭受了损失。有超过八万人在那场地震中身亡。那次地震也揭露出该地区建筑质量不达标的程度和应急响应工作的欠缺程度。

More than 260 of the injured were taken to the city's West China Hospital, where 202 remained as of Tuesday. Hospital officials said more than 4,000 staffers were allocated to deal with the quake, almost half of all staff on duty. Around the hospital hung red posters: 'Quake victims, West China Hospital is with you.' 260多名伤者被送往成都华西医院,截至周二仍有202名伤员留在医院。医院负责人说,超过4,000名工作人员被分配来处理与地震相关的事宜,接近所有值班人员的一半。医院到处张贴着红色海报,上面写着:地震灾民们,华西医院与你同在。

One victim was Luo Runxiu, a short-haired 56-year-old kiwi-fruit farmer with a broken leg, who was sharing a hospital room with three other victims. When the quake struck, Ms. Luo ran out the back door of her house, while her grandson and his mother─who escaped injury─ran out of the front. The house is now uninhabitable, she said, while the grandson and daughter-in law were living in a government-provided tent just outside. 56岁的罗润秀(音)是其中一位伤员,她剪着短发,是一位猕猴桃种植户,在地震中断了一条腿。她和另外三位伤员共住一间病房。地震发生时,罗润秀从她家后门逃走,她的孙子和媳妇(没有受伤)则从前门逃走。她说房子现在无法居住,她孙子和媳妇就住在屋外政府提供的帐篷中。

Ms. Luo is emblematic of the skepticism the government faces. Her house was built 2006 by officials in an effort to house people relocated from villages that were to be submerged by a dam project. 'In 2006, the government told us the quality of our new housing was very good, and that it would be able to survive a seven-magnitude earthquake,' she said. 'Now look what's happened.' Still, she added, she was happy for her medical treatment, which she said was paid for. 罗润秀的看法代表了政府面对的质疑。她的房子是2006年建的,地方官员当时是为了安置从其它村子迁移过来的人。这些人所在的村庄因一个大坝工程而被淹没。罗润秀说,2006年政府告诉我们,新房的建筑质量非常好,能够承受住七级地震。但现在你看看情况怎样。不过她说自己对治疗情况感到满意,治疗费用可以报销。

The disaster drew large numbers of visitors, both at the epicenter and at the hospital. Gou Fei, a recently trained kindergarten teacher, visited West China to see whether she could help. Ms. Gou, 21, was buried under rubble for about 10 hours after the 2008 quake and never regained sight out of her left eye. She had been a patient of the hospital for nearly four months. 地震吸引大量人前往灾区,无论是震中还是医院。一位最近接受过训练的幼儿园教师苟菲(音)来到华西医院,想看看自己是否帮得上忙。今年21岁的苟菲在2008年地震后曾被埋在瓦砾下约10小时,她的左眼视力再也无法恢复。此前她曾在华西医院住院接受近四个月的治疗。

'I felt the house shaking and it immediately brought back horrible memories. I got out of the house as soon as I could,' Ms. Gou said of Saturday's quake, adding: 'After the shaking stopped, I went back inside and turned on the TV to see what happened.''Given my training and my own experience, I'd like to be able to help at the hospital by taking care of kids affected by the earthquake,' she said.'I think I could really help them.' 苟菲在谈到上周六的地震时说:我感觉房子在摇晃,这迅速带回了那些恐怖的回忆。我尽最快速度跑出房屋。她说:地震停止后,我重回屋内打开电视,想看看发生了什么。她说:鉴于我所接受的训练和我自身的经历,我希望能在医院帮忙,照顾那些受地震影响的孩子。我认为我真的可以帮到他们。


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