






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-25 09:30| 查看数: 1325| 评论数: 0|

When an earthquake devastated Sichuan in 2008, Hong Kong residents were quick to pour out sympathy -- as well as cash -- to brethren across the border. This time around, the sympathy is still there, but the cash may not be so forthcoming. 2008年四川汶川地震时,香港市民纷纷在第一时间向内地同胞表示同情并踊跃捐款。这次,港人的同情之心仍在,但可能不会太愿意捐款。

Hong Kong activists have launched online campaigns urging the city not to give a single penny to help the victims of the most recent Sichuan earthquake -- a 7.0-magnitude that hit Lushan on Saturday, killing at least 192 -- citing concerns about donations falling into the pockets of corrupt officials. A number of local lawmakers have echoed the activists' concerns. 香港活动人士在网上发起活动,敦促香港不要捐一分钱来帮助这次四川芦山地震的灾民,原因是担心捐款落入贪官的腰包。香港当地一些立法会议员也表达了类似的担忧。上周六,芦山发生7.0级地震,有至少192人遇难。

In 2008, the Hong Kong government donated 9 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$1.2 billion) to victims of the disaster, which left nearly 90,000 dead or missing, and numerous residents canvassed for contributions on the streets. However, news that a school funded by the city's contributions had been bulldozed to make way for luxury apartments sparked outrage last year. 2008年,香港政府向汶川地震灾区捐款90亿港元(合12亿美元),很多香港市民走上街头募捐。不过,去年有消息说一所由香港的捐款资助兴建的学校被拆除,改建为豪宅,消息一传出即引发了强烈不满。汶川地震中有近90,000人遇难或失踪。

On Monday, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said he would push for HK$100 million (US$13 million) in government funds to be donated in support of relief efforts. 'In accordance with the love and care we have for our countrymen, and the mutual support we share...Hong Kong society should donate to support the affected disaster victims,' said Mr. Leung. 周一,香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英说,特区政府将向立法会财务委员会建议,向赈灾基金注资1亿港元(合1,300万美元),支持四川省赈灾工作。梁振英说,本着同胞之爱,互相关心,互相支持,他认为在财政上香港社会应该捐助当地灾民。

But what seemed like a routine gesture of support for a disaster-stricken region quickly ran into snags. Online activists have launched a letter-writing campaign targeting legislators, asking them to reject Mr. Leung's request. Legislator Emily Lau, who chairs the city's Democratic Party, said she has already received extensive pressure from her constituents not to approve funding for Sichuan disaster relief, as well as from people on the street. 但这一看似对灾区表示支持的例行姿态很快遇阻。网上的活动人士发起了给立法会议员写信的活动,请议员们拒绝梁振英的建议。香港民主党主席、立法会议员刘慧卿说,她已经从自己的选民和普通市民接受到了巨大的压力,他们要求她不要支持给四川赈灾工作捐款。

'I got into the lift last night, and my neighbor--who I've never even met--said 'Oh, please make sure you don't let these corrupt officials pocket our money,'' Ms. Lau said. 刘慧卿说,昨晚我进电梯时,我的一位从未谋面的邻居都说,请确保别让这些贪官贪污我们的捐款。

'I sense there's a very big groundswell of public opinion,' Ms. Lau said. 'I don't think people mind the money, Hong Kong is rich, we can afford $100 million. The real question is, where will the money actually go?' 刘慧卿说,我感觉公众舆论非常强烈;我认为人们并不在乎钱,香港有钱,我们能拿出1亿港元;真正的问题是,这些钱实际会去哪里?

Her party is meeting Tuesday evening for what she said she expects to be an intense debate on whether to support making an official donation, while a special legislative session will be convened Wednesday morning to review the chief executive's request. 她所在的民主党周二晚间召开会议,她说预计会上围绕是否支持香港政府捐款将展开激烈的争论。周三早间香港立法会将召开特别会议,审议梁振英的建议。

Meanwhile, debate over whether to give money also raged at HK Golden, a popular local online forum, among others. 与此同时,在香港人气颇高的网络论坛香港高登(HK Golden)等论坛上,网民也围绕是否捐款展开了激烈的争论。

'If you give money to the mainland, you may as well directly give it to Chow Tai Fook, Louis Vuitton or Dolce & Gabbana. In the end it all goes to that same place,' wrote one user, naming various luxury brands sometimes purchased as gifts to curry favor with officials. 一位用户写道,如果你捐钱给内地,还不如直接捐给周大福(Chow Tai Fook)、路易威登(Louis Vuitton)或杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)。最终捐款都去了这些地方。这位用户提到了各种奢侈品牌,有时给官员送礼就买这些品牌。

Controversy over disaster relief efforts has hardly been confined to Hong Kong. Over the weekend, the Red Cross Society of China's announcement on its Sina Weibo account that it had sent a team to begin providing relief efforts prompted thousands of microbloggers to respond with scorn, as well as an avalanche of thumbs-down icons. The Chinese Red Cross--which has close ties to the Chinese state--has previously been the subject of controversy, including after a woman rumored to be associated with a high-ranking official at the organization started posting photos documenting her posh lifestyle and what she described as gifts of luxury cars. (The Red Cross Society has denied any association.) 围绕赈灾工作的争论不仅限于香港。上周末,中国红十字会在新浪微博账户中宣布,已派出一个小组赴灾区展开救援工作。这份声明引发了数千微博作者轻蔑的评论和大量拇指朝下的表情符号。与中国政府有着密切关系的红十字会一直是争论的主题。之前,一名据传与红十字会高官有关系的女子在网上贴照片,炫耀她的奢华生活方式和她所说的豪车礼物,引发了激烈的争论。(红十字会否认与此有任何联系。)

In response to concerns raised in Hong Kong on Tuesday, Mr. Leung said that any relief money given would be strictly monitored. 'We will also support efforts by the country to combat corruption,' he said. 梁振英周二说,至于这笔款项的用处,特区政府会跟进及加强监督,亦会支持国家所有防贪、反腐的工作。这可以说是对香港民众的担忧做出了回应。


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