






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2013-4-27 10:30| 查看数: 690| 评论数: 0|

Ex-Girlfriend: Tsarnaev a 'Tough Guy'


Tamerlan Tsarnaev could be a bully, a high-school tough guy intent on proving his mettle as a boxer, and an adolescent sometimes eager to put a scare into his peers, his former girlfriend said on Monday. But she never anticipated his involvement in something like the attacks on the Boston Marathon last week.

梅尔兰•特萨尔纳伊夫(Tamerlan Tsarnaev)的前女友周一说,特萨尔纳伊夫喜欢欺负弱小,他在读高中时就是一个“硬汉”,总想展示自己作为一名拳击手的特质,是一个渴望让同龄人惧怕自己的青少年。但她怎么也没想到他会参与上周发生在波士顿马拉松赛上的那种袭击活动。

'When I was in high school he wasn't like that at all, ' said Nadine Ascencao, 25 years old, of Brookline, Mass., who said she dated Mr. Tsarnaev, 26, and who court records say was the woman who accused Mr. Tsarnaev of slapping her in 2009. 'I was shocked like everybody else. He was a little tough guy, but I thought that was it. In high school, everybody acts like that. Like a bully guy, you know? Now it's just shocking for me.'

25岁的阿森桑(Nadine Ascencao)来自马萨诸塞州布鲁克莱恩(Brookline)。她说,她曾经与现年26岁的特萨尔纳伊夫交往过。阿森桑说,我上高中的时候,他根本不是这样的人。法庭记录显示,阿森桑就是2009年指控特萨尔纳伊夫掌掴她的那名女子。阿森桑说,我和其他人一样震惊;他是一个有点粗暴的人,但是我认为仅此而已;在高中,人人都如此,欺凌弱小;可这件事着实让我感到震惊。

Ms. Ascencao, who records show also lived for a time at an apartment at the same address as Mr. Tsarnaev on Norfolk Street, avoided questions about a 2009 domestic complaint against Mr. Tsarnaev. According to the complaint, Ms. Ascencao told police that Mr. Tsarnaev had slapped her face in an argument over another woman. According to the complaint, Mr. Tsarnaev admitted slapping Ms. Ascencao and was arrested on charges of assault and battery. The charges were dismissed before trial.

有记录显示,阿森桑有一段时间与特萨尔纳伊夫同住诺福克街(Norfolk Street)的一栋公寓里。阿森桑没有回答关于2009年因家庭暴力起诉特萨尔纳伊夫的问题。根据这次的报案记录,阿森桑告诉警察,在两人因为另一名女子的争吵中,特萨尔纳伊夫打了她耳光。根据报案记录,特萨尔纳伊夫承认打了阿森桑,并且因为暴力殴打的指控被逮捕。这些指控后来被驳回,此案没有开庭审理。

'He was always tough, ' Ms. Ascencao said, but 'never really did anything major.'


Ms. Ascencao said she had been deluged by phone calls since Mr. Tsarnaev and his brother, Dzhokhar, were identified as suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. The inquiry is the first her family has heard of her dating Mr. Tsarnaev, she said, adding that the two attended high school together.


Ms. Ascencao said Mr. Tsarnaev sought to project an aura of toughness, but he wasn't a violent person when she knew him. In a brief telephone interview, she didn't say how long they dated or when it ended.


'He was just like a normal person that sometimes like wanted to scare kids in high school but that was it, ' she said. 'Just a tough guy.'


Since learning of Mr. Tsarnaev's alleged involvement in the bombings, and subsequent death during a shootout with police Thursday night, Ms. Ascencao said, 'I didn't even cry or anything.'


'I'm just shocked and disgusted that they did that, ' she said. 'I can't believe they were capable of doing such a thing.'


Ms. Ascencao's neighbors said her home was visited Friday by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents. One neighbor, a 50-year-old woman who gave her first name as Felina, said she woke at 6:15 a.m. to find about 10 agents wearing FBI vests at a house that Ms. Ascencao shares with three others.

阿森桑的邻居们说,美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,简称:FBI)的特工上周五来到了阿森桑家。一位自称名叫菲丽娜(Felina)的50岁女性邻居说,她早上六点15分起床时,发现大约10名穿着FBI背心的特工在阿森桑与另外三人合住的房子里。

According to Felina, the agents told her, 'They found a number in a phone, and they were there to clarify their relationship.'


The agents left around 9:15 a.m., she said. Felina said about four agents returned around 1:30 p.m. and left 15 minutes later.




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