






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-27 12:30| 查看数: 885| 评论数: 0|

The death toll from the collapse of building that housed several garment factories in Bangladesh has jumped to 160 as emergency workers continue to search for survivors.About 1,000 people were injured in the accident. 孟加拉国一幢有几家制衣厂在内的大楼倒塌,死亡人数已经高达160人,与此同时,紧急救援人员继续在寻找生还者。大约有1千人在倒塌事件中受伤。

Officials said Thursday that many people remain trapped under the ruins of the building in a suburb of Dhaka. 有关官员星期四说,仍然还有很多人被困陷入在首都达卡郊区这座倒塌大楼的瓦砾堆中。

The building fell Wednesday.Survivors say the collapse happened within minutes. 这座大楼星期三倒塌。幸存者说,大楼在几分钟内坍塌。

Police officials say the factory owners appeared to have ignored a warning not to allow their workers into the building after inspectors discovered cracks in it on Tuesday. 警方说,在检查人员星期二发现大楼出现裂缝后,工厂的老板似乎无视不让工人进入这座大楼的警告。

Authorities say charges have been filed against the owner of the building and charges are also expected to be filed against the factory owners. 当局说,已经对这座大楼的主人提出指控。预计工厂的老板也将被指控。

In November, a fire at a garment factory killed more than 100 workers, raising an outcry about the nation's garment industry. 去年11月,一家制衣厂发生火灾,100多名工人葬身火海,引起人们对孟加拉国制衣行业安全的不满。


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