





16 Things Single People Need To Stop Saying

发布者: 猪八姐 | 发布时间: 2013-4-28 03:25| 查看数: 828| 评论数: 0|

1. “I’m going to die alone!”

2. “When will it be my turn?”

3.”There is no one out there.”

4. “I’m soover dating.”

5. “If I get invited to one more wedding, I’m going to kill someone.”

6. “I’m better off alone.”

7. “All the good ones are gay or taken.”

8. “I’m giving up andbecoming a crazy cat lady.”

9. Telling coupled up friends, “You got the last good one.”

10. “Boys are dumb.”

11. “Dating is a waste of time, because it never works out for me, anyway.”

12. “I’m just unlucky in love.”

13. “Guys don’t like me because, I’m too ...”

14. “I’ll be happier if I’m in a relationship.”

15. “Thingswould be so much easier if I was gay.”

16. “My eggs are rotting as we speak.”


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