






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-28 08:00| 查看数: 815| 评论数: 0|

British Prime Minister David Cameron says there is growing evidence the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against rebels, backing up a report by U.S. intelligence agencies. 英国首相卡梅伦说,有越来越多的证据显示,叙利亚政府对反政府力量使用了化学武器,证实了美国情报机构一份报告的说法。

Prime Minister Cameron on Friday called the development "very disturbing," adding that it would amount to a war crime and should represent a "red line" for the international community. 卡梅伦星期五说,这一事态非常令人不安。他还说,这种做法是战争罪行,应该是国际社会的“底线”。

On Thursday, the White House said U.S. spy agencies believe with "varying degrees of confidence" the Syrian government has used sarin gas on a small scale against rebels trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. 美国白宫星期四说,美国各情报机构程度不同地相信,叙利亚政府对试图推翻阿萨德总统的反政府力量小规模使用了沙林毒气。

But the disclosure said the evidence was not conclusive enough to change U.S. decision-making on the issue. 不过,白宫还说,目前的证据还不足以改变美国在这个问题上的决策。

Some U.S. lawmakers have been more vocal in calling for the U.S. to intervene militarily in the conflict, which has killed at least 70,000 people since it began in March 2011. 一些美国议员加大呼吁力度,要求美国军事干预叙利亚冲突。自从2011年3月叙利亚冲突开始以来,已经有至少7万人丧生。

Meanwhile, fighting raged on in the capital, Damascus, on Friday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says "fierce clashes" between rebels and government troops broke out in the Barzeh neighborhood in north Damascus. 另一方面,星期五,在首都大马士革爆发激烈战斗。叙利亚人权了望台说,在大马士革北部的巴尔泽社区,反政府力量和政府军之间在星期五发生激烈冲突。

The Britain-based group also said rebels and troops fought in Jobar district east of the capital, as well as parts of southern Damascus. The group, which gets its information from a network of activists and fighters on the ground, said at least 130 people died from the fighting on Thursday. 这个总部设在英国的人权团体还说,反政府力量和政府军在首都以东的焦巴尔地区和大马士革南部的一些地区也进行战斗。叙利亚人权了望台从一个活动人士网络和前线战斗人员那里获得了消息。这个组织说,在星期四的战斗中至少有130人死亡。


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