






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-4-28 11:30| 查看数: 1052| 评论数: 0|

A US judge has sided with Microsoft in the first round of a patent dispute against Google that is seen as having far-reaching implications for how technology companies put a price on innovations used by the rest of the industry. 在微软(Microsoft)与谷歌(Google)的专利争端中,美国一位法官在第一回合支持微软。本案对于技术公司如何对业内同行使用其创新定价具有深远的影响。

At issue in the case is how much Microsoft should pay Google’s Motorola unit for licensing its video and WiFi patents – deemed “essential” to the functioning of these components – in its Xbox 360 games console and Windows operating system. 本案纠结的一个问题是,微软应该就其Xbox 360游戏机和Windows操作系统中被视为“不可或缺”的视频和WiFi专利,向谷歌旗下的摩托罗拉(Motorola)部门支付多少许可费。

Regulators have been scrutinising whether Motorola’s licensing of patents such as these broke antitrust rules. Google remains under investigation from the European Commission over the matter, after agreeing to terms set by the US Federal Trade Commission in January. 监管机构一直在观察,摩托罗拉对此类专利的授权是否违反了反垄断规则。谷歌在1月同意美国联邦贸易委员会(US Federal Trade Commission)设定的条件后,在这个问题上仍受到欧盟委员会(European Commission)的调查。

In a ruling on Thursday in Seattle, District Judge James Robart ruled that the fair rate Microsoft should pay for using Motorola’s intellectual property in its products were just a few cents per unit, rather than the several dollars Motorola had sought. 地区法官詹姆斯•罗巴特(James Robart)周四在西雅图裁定,微软在产品中使用摩托罗拉知识产权应当支付的费用是每件产品几美分,而不是摩托罗拉索要的几美元。

The difference equates to an annual royalty owed by Microsoft of $1.8m, rather than the hundreds of millions of dollars Motorola had demanded. The judge’s ruling sets a template for future royalty negotiations for these patents in standard technologies used in mass-market, everyday gadgets. 这一区别意味着,微软每年需要缴纳180万美元的专利费,而不是摩托罗拉要求得到的数亿美元。这一裁决为未来大众市场和日常设备中使用的标准技术的专利费谈判提供了一个模板。

The finding will form the basis of a forthcoming jury trial to determine whether the difference between what Motorola had demanded and the final price determined by the judge constitutes a breach of its contract to Microsoft. 这一裁决将为即将举行的陪审团审判构成依据,以确定摩托罗拉的要求与法官决定的最终价格之间的差距,是否构成对其与微软之间合同的违反。

Motorola said: “Motorola has licensed its substantial patent portfolio on reasonable rates consistent with those set by others in the industry.” Motorola could appeal the verdict. 摩托罗拉表示:“摩托罗拉按照与业内其他公司相仿的合理收费标准,授权使用其大量专利。”摩托罗拉可能对判决提起上诉。

David Howard, Microsoft’s corporate vice-president and deputy general counsel, said: “This decision is good for consumers because it ensures patented technology committed to standards remains affordable for everyone.” 微软企业事务副总裁、副首席法律顾问大卫•霍华德(David Howard)说:“这一裁决对于消费者来说是有利的,因为它确保标准专利技术的价格继续保持在合理水平。”


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