






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2013-5-3 09:30| 查看数: 673| 评论数: 0|

South Korea says it is making progress with the North on allowing the return of its workers who remain at a suspended joint industrial zone just north of the border. 韩国说,与朝鲜就允许仍滞留在停顿状态的开城工业园区韩国人员撤离的磋商正取得进展。

But the South's Unification Ministry says more time is needed to resolve issues such as unpaid taxes and wages before the seven remaining South Koreans can leave the Kaesong industrial complex. 但是韩国统一部说,在最后滞留的7名韩国人能离开开城工业园区之前,需要更多的时间解决未支付的税款和工资。

The last-minute dispute prevented the workers from leaving along with the last 43 South Koreans who returned home Monday. If they leave, it would break the final peaceful link between the two foes. 双方最后一刻的争议使这7名员工无法同最后一批43名韩国人于星期一一起返回韩国。如果这些韩国人撤离,将打破朝鲜半岛敌对双方最后的和平联系。

North Korea pulled its 53,000 workers and blocked South Korean entry to the facility last month, as part of its angry reaction to expanded United Nations sanctions against its latest nuclear test. 上个月,朝鲜撤走其5万3千名工人,并阻止韩国人进入园区。这是朝鲜对联合国制裁其最近的一次核试验做出的愤怒反应的一部分。


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